


6 years, 9 months ago


    Lyria crescent-moon_1f319.png

           And she walked with heaven in her step, but hell in her eyes

race: half-elf

class: warlock

moral alignment: chaotic good myers-briggs: infj
temperament: melancholictarot: the moon

    BACKGROUND ||      When her mother was pregnant, a fortune teller said the baby would be born cursed. Lyria was born on a Bloodmoon, to very religious parents - her human father was a paladin of Pelor, and her elven mother a cleric of Selûne, the Moon Maiden. As she grew, they noticed she had strange abilities, and her father, whose family had a history of pacts with otherworldly beings, hated any magic that was not divine and wanted to get rid of her. He took her to the woods and left her there, with a moonshard (it’s what they call a type of crystal mined and refined in the proximities of her hometown - later became her arcane focus) necklace and a small symbol of Selûne. She, only two years old, tried to find the way back but couldn't, and stumbled across a portal to the Feywild. Consumed by guilt, her father went back, but she was already gone. In the Feywild, an elven woman found her and took her to the village's temple. One of the elves there volunteered to take care of her, and raised her in the temple. She, as half-human, felt like she didn't belong there. The elves would look at her sideways - her ears were too small, she was too short, her elvish was rusty - she felt like an outsider, a burden. She liked to study languages and the arcane, but most importantly, how to get back to her plane. Eventually, she moved out of the village and into the woods that surrounded it. She didn't want to feel like a burden anymore and she feared she could hurt someone because of her mysterious eldritch powers. When she felt ready, she tried to go back to Kaldora, but ended up in the Shadowfell. Lyria heard a voice in her head, and she thought Selûne had finally answered her prayers. The voice promised her a way to return to her plane, and she accepted, thinking she was being blessed by the goddess she worshiped her whole life. When the deal was made, she instantly felt a presence that was definitely not divine, and realized it wasn't Selûne she was talking to. She's not aware of it, but it was the otherworldly creature that reached her, because of her "marked" heritage, and saw opportunity in her distress. The only thing she knows, though, is that it was not a divine being. After spending what felt like an eternity in the Shadowfell, going through hardship and pain, she eventually managed to return to Kaldora with the help of this being, and her powers grew stronger and stronger with a force she couldn't contain. She wanted to find her parents, but in the way she found the same fortune-teller, who told her the story of what she had foreseen, and the events after her birth - the blood moon and the abandonment. She also sensed a strong, dark force inside her. Ashamed, she gave up on finding her parents in fear of disappointing them, and started putting her powers to good use, killing evil creatures. She caught the King's attention, who assigned her and other two individuals - who later she would call friends - to investigate a village and bring the citizens to safety. After the loss of every villager, all the guards, including the trustworthy Erien, and her friends Breena and Daeghar, she began her mournful journey looking for revenge on the Thirteen Shadows. On the way, she found a daughter of a hag who lived a hermit life in the woods and had no name. Lyria started calling her "Aya", and the two set out to adventure together, when they found and adventuring group who had conveniently lost two of its members (a tiefling barbarian called Red went home to her clan in the mountains and their friend, Adina, had died on the hands of the Thirteen Shadows). She joined this group who apparently shared her goals, and they are now across the ocean, exploring uncharted land and making bad decisions.



❝ Memories do not always soften with time; some grow edges like knives.

PERSONALITY ||      Shy, quiet, determined, self-doubting, anxious, somber, melancholic, devoted, very religious, thoughtful, insidious when needed, slightly agoraphobic.

  • moonlit skies
  • tranquility
  • selûne
  • animals (especially birds, moths and wolves)
  • the woods
  • reading

  • moonless nights
  • losing control
  • her patron
  • large, open spaces
  • talking about her past/feelings
  • death


PHYSICAL ||       White skin with freckled, rosy cheeks; white silvery hair, tired gray eyes, delicate features

WEAPONS ||       Bow: The wood is twisted and crooked, looks old and rotten, but it is sturdy, and dark as ebony. It has pieces of a "fabric" around it, like spanish moss on swamp trees. It as 9 dark stones and 1 faint purple stone along the arch. The string is normal and dark.


  • she wears two raven feathers on her hair under her ear
  • the crystal around her neck looks like a synthetic opalite, the only difference is that its shape doesn't look synthetic - it has that euhedral crystal form that natual crystals have 
  • the drawings in which she has her hair up and braided are the ones set after her character arc, before that shes just a lil anxiety bean with dark circles under her eyes and messy hair
  • great old one warlock and future cleric of Selûne multiclass
  • sometimes when she uses powerful spells her eyes go white and she bleeds from them (but that's just flavor)
  • she can fire an arrow with her bow and then teleport to it on the next turn
  • she has a mask that allows her to take control of one person for up to 2 hours if she puts it on them and they fail a saving throw
  • she has quick healing (heals 1 hp per turn) on full moons, and on new moons she needs to roll madness saving throws

PLAYLIST ||    here

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