


6 years, 8 months ago


Physical Characteristics

Height; 1,79 m
Weight; 70kg
Eye Color; Red
Hair Color; Black with red Tips
Tattoos; None
Pircings; None
Scars; at his left wrist from a cut. 

Family Informations

Father; /
Mother; Yumi Watanabe

Siblings; Damian Watanabe , Nemo Watanabe , Noreen Earl

Children: None

Other Informations

Likes; Sunny days, Sweets, his Dog,
Dislikes; Death, Graveyards

Abilities; Necromancy, Controlling Fire

Assets; Good Tactician, High self control,
Weakness; His "faith", 

Occupation; accompany souls into the Afterlife

Weapon; Fire Bow

Character Trivia
- Can't show emotions (that doesn't mean he has none)
- has no real faith in Death
- Lies to himself about his whole life
- has a Dog (but his parents don't know)
- Twinbrother from Damian


He grows up with his Twinbrother Conah by his side, The two boys had nothing to do exept to go niak on the nerves. But Niak had always something against the Tricks they tried to do. At kindergarden the other Children allways bullied him becuase of the faith to death and his fear of death relatet things like skeletons and corpses. His brother Damian startet to protect him and allways cared for hos brother. In Elementary school Damian used to be away from home hunting with his mother, because of this Conah lerned to be alone and trained a lot to help his brother one day. With 15 Years he became an angel of Death. From this moment he protectet his brother secretly by catching the souls from creatures Damian killed in order to avert him from eating them.