Thomas Hightopp



2 years, 8 months ago


Name:  Thomas Hightopp

Age:  19

Pronouns:  He/They

Child of:  Mad Hatter

Personality:  Thomas, better known as "Tommy," is a very fun-loving, friendly character who often jumps from one topic to the next like a pinball machine. He speaks in broken or run-on sentences more often than not, but he speaks with the confidence of someone who could easily be understood. They care very deeply for their friends and tend to come up with the strangest (and yet most believable) excuses to get them out of trouble. He keeps a small notepad in his pocket, along with a pen, and randomly jots down things with no clear pattern to their purpose, but these are all things that have made him happy.

5 positive traits:  Loyal, friendly, thinks outside of the box, not boring, easy-going

5 negative traits:  Spontaneous, juvenile, stubborn, spacey, forgetful

Likes:  Bright colors, clashing patterns, distorted music

Dislikes:  Dull colors, being told he isn't funny, seafood

Extra:  Voice claim is Autoheart | Theme song is "still feel." by half•alive

Height:  6'7