


2 years, 11 months ago


Images still being added

Name: Seridian

Age: e̸̐͑r̵͗̐r̶͛̓ö̶́̚ṙ̶̿

Height^: 6'3"

Gender^: male

Sexuality: Demiromantic

Species: Beastkin- grey wolf and tree swallow


-wavy hair that can go into a small ponytail. long bangs to one side with a braid

-hair color varies between black and white, but he keeps it black most often

-eyes that vary between shades of blue from nearly white to nearly black

-rectangle glasses with no top rim

-sometimes wears makeup like eyeshadow and eyeliner.

-optional beastkin traits-  grey wolf ears and/or tail, his wings are a brown and blue (can look up tree swallows for ref until i get an official drawing)

Outfit style: He has a variety of outfits, typically from fantasy and botw/genshin style. He tends to lean towards nicer outfits when casual, and something easy to move in and/or layered for battle

Power Name (if any): e̸̐͑r̵͗̐r̶͛̓ö̶́̚ṙ̶̿  ||immortality||

Power Description (if any):  e̸̐͑r̵͗̐r̶͛̓ö̶́̚ṙ̶̿  ||ages slower and its believed he may never die of old age||

Personality^: usually appears calm and collected if not cold. He doesn't get attached to others. Always in the pursuit of knowledge and knows a lot about history and custom weapons or fighting styles

Short Bio^: e̸̐͑r̵͗̐r̶͛̓ö̶́̚ṙ̶̿