Helpy's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Clownpire Global Rules

- Cannot be resold for more than bought for unless extra art has been bought or created

- My designs are currently not for commercial use, I'll update my TOS accordingly and post a bulletin when they will be in the distant future.

- Please do not draw over or edit my art in any way, if you would like changes feel free to contact me and we could work something out!

- If a design has been traded and the new owner has purchased commissions or created new art they can then resell the character for that worth

- If it has been traded and nothing extra was purchased or drawn then you cannot resell that design

- Redesigns are fair game I am not super picky about those, HOWEVER redesigning a design representing a marginalized community (POC, Fat, etc,) to be the opposite of what was originally intended (Lightening or whitewashing skin, making a chubbier/fat design skinny, etc.) will not be tolerated on my own designs. If I catch you doing this multiple times I will blacklist you from owning any of my future designs and reserve the right to refuse commissions.

[ if you have any specific questions let me know ! ]