Yurei 💜 OPM



2 years, 7 months ago


Manwhore. Manipulate. Manslaughter. Malewife.

Name: Yurei

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Birthday: 4/20

Height: 195.5 cm (approx 6'4")

Personality: Very low-key, laid back, nonchalant, and care free. Sarcastic and dry sense of humor, has a personality that most would probably call “annoying”. Doesn’t take things too seriously but knows when to step up (whether or not he actually takes action is a different matter). Actually rather observant and sharp witted, always quick to make surprisingly intelligent comments or point out the obvious solution that no one is making. More than a tad unhinged

Friends: 🖤Zombieman🖤, Child Emperor, Metal Bat (Yurei says they're all besties, the others will deny this). He is also on good terms with Silver Fang but in a much more “respected hero and mentor” sort of way. 

Likes: Drinking, making fun of people, taking naps, spicy food, the paranormal,  baking but will not clean up the kitchen after, trash reality tv 

Dislikes: Amai Mask, the Hero Association, cold weather, Amai mask

Hero Alias: Phantom 

S-Class hero, rank 15

Resides over X City

Abilities: Main powers are flight and pyrokinesis. Can also turn invisible and has the power of intangibility. 

He can control the heat of his fire. Also his fire is purple!!

Also just generally has superhuman speed and strength (like literally every other Class S hero).

Prefers to levitate everywhere instead of walking. 

Note: While he definitely deserves to be in S-Class due to his power and cunning, he has yet to become a higher rank because of his lax personality, somewhat lazy nature, and because he often fails to take initiative. Moreover, he sees no point in climbing the ranks due to his dislike for the Hero Association.

He does just enough hero work for the Hero Association so he can live comfortably without having to take on a second job.  

Fun facts:

- Big fat stupid pining crush on Zombieman. (Friends with benefits?…)

- This man is total shit with emotions

- Absolutely refuses to use doors. Will only phase through them or, even more annoyingly, the wall right NEXT to the door

- Has a very caring and parental side, always fretting over Child Emperor (much to the boy’s annoyance).

- *slaps top of his head* you can fit so much religious trauma in this bad boy