


6 years, 9 months ago


Kreios is mischievous and aloof, rather liking to get into and out of trouble just for the fun of it. Born to a demon and rabbit-person, Kreios has made the best of his half-demon blood and the nimbleness. His parents were doting, but also led busy lives trying to keep food on the table and opportunities open for him. As he got older, he found that picking pockets now and then helped to take the edge off of bills at home, and this eventually led him to worshipping a chaotic neutral deity known as Renatus.  He and some of the other followers that brought him into the fold made up their own little band of thieves. Unfortunately, one of his buddies stole from the wrong mark and their group was broken up and he had to lay low for a while.

Things have been quiet for a while, and his neighborhood has recently been bought up by some moneygrubbing landlords and the like. He'd been trying to stay on the straight and narrow, but upon receiving an eviction notice and lacking the funds to combat the unlawful act, he's turned back to crime. In fact, lately the news has been abuzz with word of an uncatchable thief that's been stealing from the owners of the very businesses buying out the homes and buildings in his neighborhood. Of course he's glad to hear they're getting a taste of their own medicine, but imagine his surprise when one day he runs into Renatus himself and gets asked to help him out with his various marks...namely those folks in the news. Kreios eagerly agrees...and this begins his adventures joining up with a literal god of thievery.