Morgan Hill



2 years, 8 months ago


Name: Morgan Hill

Gender: Agender (They/Them)

Relationship: In a relationship with Buck Maisely and Divine Mallard

Sexuality: Doesn't like labels

Age: Been alive since the 1960s, appears to be in their early 30s.

Birthday: May 4th

Entity they serve: The Stranger

Personality: Is quite talkative even though they have been described as a walking monologue. They have a roundabout way of getting to the point they're trying to make. Regardless, they're great at having conversations with and tend to be the most active with talking to the riders on the Nowhere. Night travelers tend to find them more unsettling. They claim to be sickly and unwell often but act as if they're not ill at all. No one but Divine and Buck know what's under that mask.

Story: Morgan was once an artist that was used to painting realistic scenes but had difficulty painting people into them. They were highly criticized for this as their paintings made the people seem borderline uncanny valley. Morgan had no issue with this as they felt this properly represented how they saw people, but decided to try and get better, investing into private art lessons, specifically with figure drawing. After some classes, Morgan felt they could learn better by themself than by teacher and, after looking around, managed to find an adjustable human mannequin to practice figure drawing with. As time went on, they started notice that what they were drawing was... not right. Limbs seemed to be bent awkwardly in impossible angles but the mannequin seemed to be accurate to what Morgan thought a human SHOULD look like. In fact, the more Morgan compared themself to the mannequin the more they realized that although the mannequin looked like a normal person, they themself looked absolutely wrong. The more time spent figure drawing, the less Morgan was able to recognize themselves until they became absolutely lost in their work. When Morgan's studio was cleaned up, weeks later after the last time they had left their home, all that was left of them was some blood smeared on the floor and bits of what look like came from a wooden mannequin.

Morgan got a job on the Nowhere some time later working with Divine and Buck on their train. After some time, they too fell in love with the pair and ran the train together. During the Change, Morgan was in charge of a domain where their victims desperately tried to themselves, unable to find who they really are. When the fears left, all that was left of morgan was a gore smeared artist doll.