Ru Dimaano



2 years, 8 months ago


Ru Dimaano

Last edited 6/24/2022

Ru in their magical form.

Name Ru Dimaano

Aliases Child of Prophecy




Lil Ru

Big Bro

Ru the Liberator

Age ~15 (Prologue)

17-18 (Genesis)

18-20 (Catharsis)

20-21 (Eternal)

Height 5'1"

Birthday August 19

Gender Nonbinary

Pronouns they/them

Occupation Student

(Genesis, Catharsis, Eternal)

Unnamed work

(Genesis, Catharsis)

Relationships Haru (companion)


(friend, brother figure)


(former enemy, friend)


(childhood friend, rival, crush?)


(friend, father figure)

Playlist link

Ru Dimaano is one of the protagonists in Eventide. They are a magical user and their companion is Haru. They often present themselves to be stoic and cold, but deep down they have a caring heart. Their main weapon is an umbrella. Later on in Eternal, it can be shifted into a gun. They use weather magic that correlates with their emotions: happy (sunny), sad (rain and snow), and angry (storm.) Their passive ability is clairvoyance.

Early Life

Before becoming a magical user, Ru lived under a different name. Although they lived comfortably, Ru wanted to find an escape from it. They were the "black sheep" of their family and peers and felt trapped among them. This led to their fated meeting with Haru in their dreams. After making a contract with him and gaining the power of a magical user, Ru took whatever they could hold and ran far away.

In order to stray away from their old identity, Ru changed their name and hair color permanently.



Physically, Ru is not the best in attacks. They use their umbrella to deal chip damage and throw their enemy off guard. Their weapon can also be used as a shield. Once they get their weapon upgrade, their umbrella can shift into a gun, allowing them to take advantage of ranged attacks. The bullets are based on their weather magic.

Ru is more skilled in using magic. Using weather magic goes hand in hand with their emotions: happy (sunny), sad (rain and snow), and angry (storm.) When using sunny magic, Ru's pupils will turn orange. They will begin to glow and emit warmth. The magic acts as a buff for their allies, boosting their power for a period of time. Rain and snow magic makes Ru's pupils turn blue. This magic is quite versatile. While using rain, Ru can heal their allies. Their umbrella will play a calming tune as they do this. Snow magic can both debuff and attack an enemy. Depending on the intensity of their sadness, the snow can become intense and possibly be fatal to the target. Storm magic is their strongest form of magic, turning their pupils into a bright yellow. This increases Ru's speed and can deal a catastrophic amount of damage.

Similar to their weather magic, their clairvoyance involves emotions as well. They are able to see significant events in third person but can only remember it for a short period of time. Thus, Ru keeps a journal to document the fleeting details of their visions. Sometimes, they can feel a certain emotion from the vision, but it is not clear who is feeling it at that moment. BY consolidating their notes, and Ru must attempt to solve the mystery behind each vision to understand it and prepare accordingly. It is also possible for them to see visions of smaller events of the future, but this happens randomly. Depending on how strong the vision is, Ru can end up spacing out and become confused with their surroundings for a while.


After their great escape, Ru found their way into Nierbi City. At this time, their experience with magic is little to none. They were saved from a Nightmare attack by another magical user called the "Mentor." They were taken in by the Mentor and trained under their wing.

While they had a new home, they felt quite lonely. One day, they heard a crash on their doorstep. There, they found an injured magical user named Haewon. They took her in and kept her hidden from the Mentor. Ru treated Haewon and her broken wings for about a month. In those days, they formed a strong bond with one another. Because of their common interests in magical girl anime, Ru wanted to give Haewon a "heroic" nickname. Seeing her oboe, Ru decided to call her "Lorée." As soon as Haewon's injuries healed, she gifted them a feather from her wing before parting ways.

Eventually, Ru began to grow tired of the Mentor's ways. They became suspicious and lost their trust in them. Ru took whatever money they could find from the Mentor and ran off when they saw the opportunity. They used what they had to find a new home, far away from their former teacher.


After their traumatizing apprenticeship under the Mentor, Ru desires a life of normalcy and peace and decides to complete their education. In a stroke of fate, Ru enrolls at the same high school that Haewon attends: Moirai High. They reunite with Haewon, who is surprised by how much they have changed since she last saw them.

Despite only recently transferring into Moirai, Ru proves to be an influential figure among their class due to their sharp wit and charisma. They decide to run for student council president in the upcoming elections, positioning themself as a worthy opponent to the incumbent. Threatened by Ru and Haru's rising popularity, the student council president sought to disqualify the candidates by spreading rumors and bribing various clubs to collect incriminating evidence. Gossip spreads like wildfire through the student body, but Ru and Haru manage to still get elected. However, the former president's sabotage of Ru's reputation left lingering scars.

One night, Ru finally allows Haewon to go Nightmare hunting with them after months of Haewon's insistent begging. Her inexperience with fighting in a team as well-coordinated as Ru and Haru spells disaster for the magical users. Haewon uses her magic to tune Ru's heartstrings in a desperate attempt to support them in combat but unlocks their memories and something much more sinister. After months of hushed whispers and sneers from the student body, Ru loses their temper and lashes out at Haewon, driving an irreparable rift between the two. In their final year at Moirai High, Ru meets a freshman named Ren in the school halls. Noticing how nervous the boy appeared, Ru offers words of comfort and a snack before heading to their next class. Ru is no longer on good terms with Haewon, and they choose to avoid her despite Haru and Ren's best efforts. After an uneventful campaign season compared to the previous year, Ru and Haru are re-elected for their positions.

As the student council president of Moirai High, Ru sets strong standards for themselves and others. While they can come off as strict and intimidating, they are an exceptional leader. They show compassion to students in need and do their best to listen to their issues in whatever situation. Even with their position and popularity, they remain a mystery to a majority of students. Most cannot figure out why they would only stick around Haru, the vice-president, Ren, a freshman, and Haewon, a multi-club leader.

As a magical user, they prefer not to fight alongside anyone else but their companion, Haru. Ru finds teaming up with others as a waste of time and believes they are able to get the job done with just the aid of their magical companion. This led to complications when Haewon wanted to work together with them. Because of their training, they are quite skilled in fighting Nightmares. However, even with their experience, it is not enough to defeat a certain Nightmare that goes by the name of "Wren." Ru has no choice but to join forces with Haewon to fight Wren and stop him from causing damage to Nierbi City.


After graduating Moirai High, Ru attends college around Nierbi City to pursue arts. While the group has gone their separate ways, Ru still tries to keep in contact with them. However even with their efforts, their friendship with Ren and Haewon begins to grow rocky.

When Ren turns into a Nightmare, Ru and Haewon's relationship begins to crumble. While their friendship in Genesis wasn't any better, their arguments became more prominent than before. Even with their mutual hatred, they remain as civil as they can. Saving Ren wasn't enough to aid the situation. Tensions between them began to increase and meetups with the group were no longer consistent.

Eventually, Haewon became a Nightmare as well. Her realm gave Ru a lot of mental distress and caused them to relive a lot of traumatic events. After saving Haewon, they were showered with guilt and fear. They distanced themselves entirely from everyone, which resulted in using up most of their no-fear magic, affecting Haru and leading him to retreat into the keychain.

Their self-isolation was eating them up alive, slowly turning themselves into a Nightmare. Knowing their Mentor was still present somewhere in the city, Ru sought them out for revenge. Unfortunately, they could not fight their Mentor until the end as they descended into the inevitable fate they placed themselves in. Despite distancing themselves from Ren and Haewon, they are saved by their hands.


Ru finally opens up and begins to rely on others more after their recovery. Thanks to the group's assistance in Sky Tower, Nyx provided enough money for Ru to get a new apartment. They move in by the beachside together with Ren and Haewon.

[Not much can be mentioned here due to spoilers.]


honest, resilient, independent harsh, cold, secretive







Active magic: Weather

Passive magic: Clairvoyance

Ru is described as a cold, yet strong individual. They take their role as a leader seriously. Although they are quite capable on their own, Ru can be stubborn and refuse any help from other people. The idea of working with anyone else besides Haru always spells trouble for them. Despite their tough exterior, they are soft-hearted to those they care about. However, they do not want to show this side of themselves since they believe it is a sign of weakness.

Even with their serious persona, Ru has a couple of activities they like to indulge in: playing games, baking, making art, and shopping to name a few. They are also quite the snacker. Although they don't seem like it, Ru is a huge fan of puns and corny jokes. Only a few people that manage to make them laugh, but when they do, most are almost shocked to even witness them break their cool. What's even rarer than hearing them laugh is their singing. It is often described as smooth and sweet. The only ones who ever really see Ru do these sorts of things are people they considered worthy of their trust. Otherwise, the majority see Ru as nothing but a stoic and intimidating figure.

Later on in the story, Ru starts to open up. They still maintain their cool personality, but there is a clear air of an easygoing attitude. They begin to express themselves more and even show a bit of their goofy and klutzy side. Their sassiness is now seen as playful rather than intimidating, and they enjoy their friends' company more than ever.


Ru, Catharsis arc.


  • Snacks
  • Drawing
  • Singing
  • Collecting things from different places
  • Journaling
  • Keeping gifts from other people


  • Touch
  • Being photographed
  • Being stared at
  • Feeling of constriction
  • Slacking off
  • Surprises


  • Ru's magical form is based on the "teru teru bōzu," handmade dolls that are hung up on windows to be used as a charm for good weather. Appearance-wise, they are similar to ghosts.
  • Ru's flower is a pink carnation, while their Nightmare form is a magnolia.
  • Unlike most magical users turned Nightmares, Nightmare Ru does not have eyes on their face. This reflects their cold personality, not revealing any of their emotions or possible weaknesses.
  • They changed their name to Ru as they made a contract with Haru. Ru did not like their birthname but didn't have time to choose a name that they felt suited them, so they decided to take a part from Haru's name and go with it.
  • Ru has a small scar on their right eyebrow, but it is rarely seen due to being covered by their bangs.
  • From Prologue to Genesis, Ru often wears oversized clothing to cover their chest. By the beginning of Catharsis, they are gifted a binder from Haewon. While they are always seen wearing it during this time, there are times they decide to not have it on.
  • They're right-handed, but can be ambidextrous doing some activities.


Haru, Genesis arc.


"They're the cutest companion in the world!"

There wasn't much connection between the two. Ru was a lot more open while Haru was closed off. They never thought much about their companion, but if they described him, Ru would go down a list of compliments to define his cuteness. It was not after a lot of hurt and struggle did they become closer in their bond. Because of this, it formed an emotional link between them and allowed Haru to unlock a new form. After mistrusting their former teacher, they could no longer trust anyone but their companion.


"I trust no one else."

Ru worked alongside Haru as president and vice president of the student council. They are rarely seen separated and it almost seemed like Haru was their bodyguard. He is the only one Ru would trust their secrets with. Sometimes they're seen speaking a mysterious language with one another. While fighting Nightmares, they never team up with anyone else. Their teamwork is almost like a dance. To many, it's unknown how long they've been fighting side by side.


"I hope I'm not a burden to you."

Ru began to rely on Haru a lot more. Because of this, they've distanced themselves from their friends. It even led to the point of nearly breaking their friendship with Haewon. With the overwhelming amount of stress taking over, Ru shut themselves in and refused to leave their home. Haru was the only one who could care for them at that time. Despite Haru trying to convince Ru to get in contact with their friends again, Ru was too stubborn to listen. They were unknowingly pushing Haru away as well and hurting her in the process.


"Thank you for taking care of me."

After they were saved from their Nightmare form, Ru took some time to recover. Haru was with them all the way. She did not hesitate to take care of their magical user despite everything. Ru felt guilty for making Haru go through all their trouble. But to Haru, all that mattered was Ru's safety. Eventually, Ru would tell their companion to try to make their own decisions and not make his life center around Ru themselves. As Ru would say, "You're too selfless." Although it was a blunt statement, Ru wanted what was best for Haru too.

Ren in his magical form, Catharsis arc.


"You remind me of someone..."

Their first meeting was back in Moirai High when Ren was came in as a new student. As his senior and school president, Ru took the time to guide him around the school (begrudgingly) alongside Haewon. Ru eventually warmed up to Ren, seeing him as a younger brother. It was an almost eerie feeling just looking at him though. He reminded them of themselves when they were younger and had the urge to protect him from any danger, especially Nightmares.


"I think it's best to stay away."

Ru had helped train Ren when he became a magical boy. He had also gotten help from Ru when getting his first piercings. He said he wanted to match with them, and Ru found that amusing. However, those happy moments were not meant to last. After Nightmare Ren, Ru began to become overprotective with him. The thought of Ren getting hurt because of them and their tactics was too much for them to bear. As a result, Ru pushed him away and refused to even respond to his pleas to reconnect again.


"My baby brother."

After Ren saved Ru and Haru from their Nightmare form, Ru finally sees how much he has grown. Even so, they still call him their baby brother. Their friendship is quickly mended as Ru recovers over time. Eventually, Ren understands Ru's past, which strengthens their bond. Alongside Haewon, Ren promises to help fulfill Ru's goal together.

Wren, Catharsis arc.


"Just drop dead."

Because Wren was a Nightmare, Ru saw him as a threat. Ru saw him as an annoying type of Nightmare and was unsure what made him so unique. His continuous assault on their hometown was enough for them to want to get rid of him. Even with their experience, Ru wasn't strong enough to beat Wren alone. Ru was always willing to put up a fight with him, even if it meant teaming up with Haewon.


"What do you even know about me...?"

Ru still felt indifferent around Wren despite him becoming less hostile. They still found Wren annoying, and it always seemed like he was trying to get in their private business. Ru had no interest in becoming friends with Wren and refused to open up. They'd only set that aside was when they had to work together in battles. Even when Ru tried to distance themselves from him, it almost seemed like Wren knew something was up. They didn't like that.


"You're not that bad."

As they recovered, Wren and Ru's friendship improved. While Ru still thinks Wren is problematic, there are some positive traits of his that they can appreciate. They became quite close to the point where they could be both vulnerable around each other. Ru and Wren learn of each other's past and realize they have a similar goal in the end. Both seek the peace they've always wanted from a haunted past.

Haewon, Prologue.


"Lorée is my bestest friend! I trust her with all my heart."

Ru found an injured Haewon at their doorstep one day and decided to take her in and mend her wounds. Because of their lack of experience, their healing magic wasn't strong enough to cure her injuries instantly. Haewon had to stay hidden for about a month until she was completely healed. Ru couldn't hide her in their closet all the time. By Haru's suggestion, she was transported into Ru's keychain where she would stay whenever Ru's mentor came around. During this time, Ru and Haewon became close friends and even practiced magic together when they were free. Eventually, when it was time for Haewon to leave, Ru regrettably bid her farewell. All they had left from her was a feather she handed them before flying away. Ru had quietly wished they would meet again when they were older.


"She only brings back bad memories."

Despite their wish, Ru had become cold towards her. They find her an inconvenience on their mission, and despite Haewon's good intentions, they'd rather not interact with her anymore. Their relationship becomes questionable, mainly because they don't know if they're really friends anymore. However, Ru won't deny their lingering feelings (but they will never admit that.) Even with their rocky relationship, they both agree to be there for Ren, thus creating their trio.


"Please stay away. I can't do this anymore."

Both Ru and Haewon cannot find any reason to stay close as before. Their differences grew, breaking the friendship they had together. After Nightmare Haewon, Ru couldn't bear to look at their childhood friend even once. They fully cut ties with her and ended up isolating themselves. Inside, Ru felt heartbroken that all they had wanted as a kid ended up in tragedy. Ru believed they were facing the consequences of their actions, especially after how much they've hurt Haewon.


"You don't have to fix everything. It's not your fault."

After being saved by Haewon and Ren, Ru eventually told them of their past. This led to Haewon feeling guilt for not staying with Ru longer and what she could have done to protect them. Ru reminds her what happened is already written in history and it wasn't the time to blame herself. All they asked for was their friends' help to which Haewon and Ren gladly accepted. Eventually, Ru and Haewon took this time to reconnect and become friends again. They put the past aside, learned from their mistakes, and walked together to a new chapter.

Gordet in his dragon form, Eternal arc.


"I'm sure he's a nice guy."

When Ru first saw Gordet, they weren't sure why there was a dragon in Nightmare Haewon's realm. Despite that, he was charming and friendly and looked like he safeguarded the place with his life. Even if they had just met for a moment, Ru couldn't understand why Gordet trusted them so much. He relied on them to the point that he believed Ru and their friends were the only ones who could save Haewon. Even after what they have been through, Ru had a need to keep that promise. They often wondered if the dragon was a significant person in Haewon's life.


"He acts like a dad to me. I don't mind though."

Their first meeting was awkward, and Ru wasn't exactly sure what to feel about Gordet. However, Ru appreciates how much knowledge the companion has. They silently look up to him as if he was their teacher. If they weren't sure what to do, Ru would approach Gordet for advice. While Ru doesn't know much about Gordet, the dragon knows Ru due to Haewon's memories. Ru admits they have a strong interest in dragons and can somehow handle Gordet in his dragon form. Although the two don't have much to talk about, sometimes they would find comfort in each other's presence.