Dean -NFT-



6 years, 9 months ago



"I think... Nah. -snort- How can I ,a jackass, fall in love?"


Name: Dean Donovan | Gender: Male | Age: 16 | Species: African Wild Dog | Sexuality: Straight | Status: Single


dean_headshot_by_xfireflye-dbmmhet.pngNationality: American

Personality: Well, Dean is definately something else. He's a complete social butterfly, yet he can be a douche bag. He's basically a lovable teddy bear, with very large fangs and thorns in his heart. He's really sweet if you know him well, and generally a really fun guy to be around. He'll have fun with anyone, even if it meant getting in trouble (since most of the things he calls "fun" are illegal). He is fairly approachable and really extroverted. He loves inappropriate humor, and often makes nasty/perverted remarks and jokes on things. He is usually really loud and kinda slow, but he isn't stupid. Dean is very mischievious and a huge dreamer, often getting into trouble he could've easily avoided and aspiring that one day his band will go far, and his name will be known throughout the world. Nothing is more important to him than his dream, family and band, he hates to see anyone of the people he cares about distressed, and he often tries to cheer them up, aswell as acting like "the strong one". Although Dean is the easiest one to get along with, he still has an itch inside him, that kills him at night. There are alot of sensitive topics you should avoid when being near him, he can easily get startled or offended. If he doesn't know you, there's a good  chance he'll be skeptical at first, but once he opens up he's the funnest guy you'll ever meet. If he does happen to trust you, try not to break that trust. Once you screw up, it'll be enough for him to stop talking to you and keep the largest distance possible. He hates getting hurt and will avoid it at all costs, even if it means cutting his best friends off. He's basically a pretty sensitive punk. 

Theme Songs: -Green Day: Stray Heart-
                           -Sum 41: Speak of the Devil-
                           -Set it Off: Plastic Promises-
                      -Linkin Park- Leave out all the Rest-
                           -Set it Off: Dad's Song-

His voice:

Reference Sheet: 
