
2 years, 8 months ago


Character Summary

Originally a boxer from Birmingham, now spell caster and necromancer by trade in the dirty streets of South London, Ava keeps herself to herself and takes her “business” very seriously. Ava does not dress like the typical magic types. Still young and intent on maintaining her unique style choices, she can often be sighted wearing long coats or jumpers, slim fit black jeans or on rare occasions, skirts, and tall work boots. Practical, androgynous, black. A lot of black. 

When on travels she can usually be seen with a backpack too, as a spellcaster such as herself tends to keep a lot of ingredients - and magic infused weapons - on hand.

Her ghostly white, medium length hair is kept high in a ponytail, often threaded through the rear of a baseball cap. Her jaw is sharp, her blue eyes sharper. Arms and legs toned to keep herself agile, particularly useful when caught out in the streets alone late at night. Not only practical, Ava likes to intimidate where possible to get what she wants. Having some muscle can often throw off even the most alpha of males.

Enthusiastic not only about her work but also her hobbies. In the limelight she is a stern woman but behind the curtain she might show a more sensitive nature. A sight seen only by her black cats (yes - black cats - don’t mention it) as she does not make a habit of keeping company. 


Ava makes an effort to stay in the know of the latest whispers in the streets. After all, knowing a client’s greatest weaknesses and current affairs comes in handy when you’re trying to make them part with their money. She is already developing another side business in the trade of whispers, and so Ava is looking to expand her clientele to eventually become the "go-to" for all gossip in the secret underworld of magical entities.

Besides her business, Ava is simply looking to survive. She would envision a life beyond London and all of it’s fighting, deceit and demon problems however it is but a dream for now. She moved from Birmingham due to its similar demon problem, and London offered a more diverse group of individuals, plus the chance to escape a life she once led as a boxer in the more docile human world. Her parents and family would be at risk should anyone discover Ava's true past and so she actively avoids contacting or holding information to their whereabouts. The world of the paranormal is an unforgiving one.


Sturdy and strong. Ava's training allows her to move fast and land a powerful haymaker if she has to. Her magic is perhaps her most powerful asset though. From infusing weapons to make them more durable and deal greater wounds, to spell casting from her very hands, Ava can manipulate life as it stands and bend it to her will. Oftentimes using writhing black daggers to part the soul from it's carcass to do her bidding.

Ava is also a keen trapper, and so not all vermin traps left about the store are simply limited to rodents. Some clientele might find they have stickier fingers than Ava bargained for. Or sometimes they simply come back for more of her addictive death magic only to find they had blown all their funds in her store previously. Being able to catch her opponents off guard and land the first hit is her sure fire way to defeat the strongest of opponents.


Ava is not the tallest, and Ava is not mightiest. And so this can often become detrimental when faced with eight foot tall hellspawn with many times the strength of her own.

Her death magic is reliant on the shadows around her and so her necromancy is only useful at night or in darkly lit environments. In addition to this her magic requires her own physical strength to use, and so if she is at all lethargic or physically beaten, her magic effectiveness is lowered substantially.

Ava does not possess any kind of defense magic and primarily studies attack style magic, meaning she is often left open to attacks should she not hit first. It is often in her best interest to flank her enemies while distracted or attack from an angle she can quickly retreat from. Physical incoming attacks hit her much harder than opposing magic style attacks.