Briar de L'aunaie



2 years, 7 months ago


✦ Basics

NameBriar de L'aunaie
Gendertransfeminine & agender
Sexualityambiguously bisexual
✦ About

Melodramatic and horrendously socially awkward, Briar spends most of her days searching for excuses as to why she cannot fulfil her side of a pact she made with the primordial god of darkness when she was a desperate and grieving thirteen year old.

✦ Appearance

Dark, brooding and completely unable to intimidate others with her appearance. She has thick eyebrows, crooked nasal bridge, a birds nest of dark hair streaked with grey due to stress, and 10 pound eyebags to match. She is 5'5" and wears platform shoes everywhere she goes just to hide this fact. Her style of choice would be described as a "goth dandy" and she'd much sooner die than try on any sort of makeup. Her demonic pact has left her with the demon's symbol burned into her irises: a hot pink spiral.

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✦ Backstory

Being that she was the daughter of the world famous scientist and retired celebrity explorer Aurora de L’aunaie, Briar had very little to want in her childhood. She was always met with expensive gifts and lavish food and no small amount of people surrounding her to remind her how lucky she was to be born to such an important, accomplished, and rich woman.

The world seemed to have been handed to Briar the moment she was able to walk and yet this did not stop the creeping feeling of resentment and disparity towards her mother to grow in her heart. The more she was told by adults just how lucky she was to be cared for by Aurora, the darker her mood grew. Truly, what did these strangers know? She was left to her own devices for most of her days while her mother spent all of her time in the lab attempting to rebuild her career. She could count on two hands the amount of times her mother forgot something crucial about her, such as her birthday, her favorite color, favorite book, her name. Oftentimes Briar had to resort to acting out: breaking her mothers possessions, stealing lab equipment, feigning illness and injury, anything she could possibly throw a fit over. All for her mother’s attention.

This all finally came to a boiling point one day when thirteen year old Briar found a stash of letters addressed to and from her mother and a person by the name of Claymore hidden away in a dresser drawer. Briar being the resentful and unruly child that she was, found no difficulties in ripping open these letters and reading them all.

The contents of the letters detailed extremely disturbing things including the grave yet vague trauma Aurora and Claymore went through during their days as adventurers, discussions of constructing a living man made of mud and crystal, and worst of all in Briar’s mind, the detailed account of the complications and woes Aurora went through to adopt a child.

Briar’s anger grew to a degree she couldn’t possibly contain in her small frame. She decided right then and there, in the midst of her great and growing grief, that she was going to wipe the planet of her false mother’s legacy. In her mind, this was the only way to recompense for the childhood she had lost to secrets and deceit. 

In her dark and broody heart she knew the only thing that could help her in her quest for revenge was to turn to the dark arts, and that is what she did. She spent a year studying the occult and the ancient gods of her world until she came across Erabys, the eldritch god of darkness, offspring of the primordial Chaos.

She made a blood pact with Erabys, swearing her soul to it in exchange for eldritch knowledge to aid her in repressing the world that her mother’s career had helped advance. The Primordial Darkness warned her of great consequences to be had if she did not hold up her end of the contract and did not elaborate when she asked for specifics. 

Even through her juvenile heartache, Briar realized she had just made the greatest mistake of her life.

She let regret grow beside the wilting resentment in her heart as she began to plot her mother’s demise in the following years. Now she often found herself plagued with failure as she searched for ways to excuse her lack of willingness to commit to it. On top of all this she let her adolescence distract her the most, spending her time exploring her gender identity, chasing young love until it caused more bruises on her weak heart, and immersing herself in the goth scene.

Even with all of these distractions she could not pull herself away from the deep anxiety that ignoring an evil and ancient god brings, nor could she pull herself away from her fear of growing older. With not much more driving her forward now but trepidation and a great suspicion that her mother’s old enigmatic friend Claymore is her birth parent, she set off into the world to search for him.

✦ Relationships
✦ Trivia


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