Cecily Debellator (WIP)



2 years, 6 months ago


Cecily Debellator (née Tenebris.)

Originally, Cecily was a side character from the Fantasy Romance novel "Rose", being part of the main Vilainess' antourage. The original Cecily was best known (and hated) by the fans for threateing one of the secondary male leads, Xavier Debellator, into becoming her husband. Needless to say, Cecily's character ended up in a loveless, disastrous marriage. After trying to take control of her husband's estate and loosing a lot of money, Cecily hid herself deep in the Debellator manor, discarded and hated by everyone, ashamed of her missdeeds. Strangelu enough, Xavier never filed for a divorce and chooses to jusy ignored Cecily's existance for the rest of her days- a seemingly convenient plot point.

Now, as all isekais go- one day a modern woman gets into an accident (which surprisingly doesn't involve a truck) and gets transported into the novel which she last read, "Rose", as Cecily.

Although Xavier has alredy been threatened into the marriage at this point in the story, the woman decides to ultimately change Cecily's unfortunate fate, using her knowledge of the story. 

Surprisingly, she discovers Cecily isn't as much of a sad, pathetic idiot as the original plot made her out to be. What the novel had failed to mention was that Cecily, an only child, had spet all her life training in swordsmanship, studying with all her might and making connections with powerfull people- all in the hopes of becoming the next head of the Tenebris family (even if only from the shadows, as women couldn't hold official titles). However, all her dreams were thrown out the window the moment her father remarried and twin boys were born.

While her reasons for threatening Xavier remain unclear, the "new Cecily" is determined to make thing work this time around. With Xavier leaving for war on the day after their wedding, Cecily's new goal is to make the house of Debellator even richer, more respected and more influential by the time her husband gets back- all while living an extremely frugral life (aka "Plan B: run away with your emergency fund and settle in the countryside").