


6 years, 7 months ago


Eydika Sarorn
Age 135
Height 6'' / 1.85m
Gender Female
Pronouns She / Her / Them
Species Da'eru Avarri
Orient. Lesbian
Status Dating
Significant Other Nora
Personality Stats
Domestic Life
Home Sa'vel
World Arivir
Job Chief of Police (Sa'vel department)
Worth ???
Type Main
Status Active
Creator Eggdis
Layout by Cheeriko
Every scar on my body tells a story. They're the roadmap of my life.

Eydis is someone many of the criminals in Sa'vel are familiar with. She's either feared for her short temper, or respected because of her connection to one of the most influential criminals in the capital. While she is a cop, she doesn't really seem to take her high position all that seriously which concerns the people that work for her. Although she generally does a good job with bringing in criminals, she never really seems all that interested in beheading the Hounds by bringing in Giovanni or Diabourus. According to most she is simply corrupt, deeply in the pocket of the Hounds so she won't take action against them. Which might be true, but Eydis would never admit that.


Eydis has a fairly muscular build with broad shoulders. Her frame looks similar to that of a man, but with more pronounced hips. She does not have breasts. Her skin is like that of a caucasian woman, with green-ish scales starting from her lower arm and waist. The scales are a lighter green color between her legs, and on the bottom of her tail. She also has lighter green palms. Her body is riddled with scars, most notebly are the ones on her face. She has three claw-marks on the right side of her face, another one going across her nose and the left side of her face. She misses her left arm, as well as a chunk of her tail. She has a pair of tusks sticking out of her mouth, as well as a pair of ram-like horns on top of her head. Her eyes are similar to that of a cat and brown in color. She commonly wears her hair in a side shaven style, but might also wear it in other styles.

Her fahion sense boils largely down to 'leather is cool'. She usually wears leather biker jackets with studs on the shoulders. Her favorite jacket has studs on the shoulders, chains coming down from those studs, and a large fire-breathing dragon patch on the back of it. She usually wears either tight-fitting leather pants or baggy camo pants with that jacket. She nearly always wears combat boots, regardless of what else she's wearing.

Design Notes:
  • Her eyes dilate and expand in a similar way as the eyes of a cat.
  • While she usually has her hair hanging down the side of her face, when at work she wears it in a ponytail.
  • Both sides of her head are actually shaved.
  • She can breathe fire.


Eydis is most commonly known for her viotile demeanor, as she has a very short fuse and isn't the most patient Avarri on the world. She is stubborn and generally very aloof to the people outside of her limited social circle. She has trouble managing her anger and can explode over the smallest of things. She tends to hold grudges for very long times, especially when she thinks she has done nothing wrong, which is usually the case. She rarely ever thinks of something as 'her problem' and even when she does cause a problem, she will rarely take accountability for it. She's cocky and often comes off as arrogant, thinking she can win at everything and take on everyone. Her arrogance makes her a sore loser as well.

As unreasonable and unpleasant as she might appear, she isn't all bad. She's able to quickly make decisions when she needs to, and isn't afraid to put her own life on the line to protect someone she considers close. She isn't all that great with outing her appreciation towards her friends, and will often give them an awkward comment and an uncomfortable smile. But it comes from a genuine place. She also struggles a lot when it comes to romance, where she will absolutely shut down if presented with a romantic scenario. She will either avoid the subject alltogether, or make a complete fool of herself, trying to impress the woman she has set her eyes on.


  • Eydis is my oldest character, she was created on August 2010.
  • She has severe hydrophobia and can't swim as a result. This fear stems from nearly drowning in a lake when she was younger.
  • She is notoriously lax towards what her kids are doing. They're adults, she feels, and they can take care of themselves.
  • Drinking alcohol is a very unpleasant experience for her, as she is able to breathe fire. Alcohol tends to irritate her throat and might accidentally singe parts that normally wouldn't be. She does like the taste of beer though.
  • Her pride and joy is her motorbike, which looks similar to a Harley Davidson but with cool flames on the sides, and a basket for her Doromi to sit in.
  • She enjoys lounging on a couch with her Doromi.


  • Alcohol
  • Cold climates
  • Wearing skirts
  • Greasy food
  • Water

Skills & Abilities

Dragon Form
All Avarris are able to freely turn into a dragon and back in their normal form. Eydis' dragon form looks fairly bulky, and like her regular Avarri form, it is riddled in scars.
Fire breathing
Eydis is able to breathe fire in both forms. She is able to control the intensity and size of the flame. She can also, with a little practice, turn a continuing breath of fire into a ball.


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Suspendisse potenti. Nunc sed porttitor urna. Nullam eu rhoncus ligula. Praesent accumsan urna urna, sit amet varius lacus consectetur sit amet. Curabitur venenatis felis eu efficitur feugiat. Morbi id eros placerat, iaculis dolor sit amet, facilisis neque. Nunc at dolor sed tortor feugiat egestas.

Donec condimentum blandit congue. Vivamus sodales porta sem at vulputate. Ut a ex elit. Sed vel lacus vitae nisi consequat finibus. Fusce eu tempus arcu. Nulla placerat dapibus dolor non molestie. Vivamus a pellentesque purus. Donec maximus, enim ac vehicula convallis, diam nunc tempus erat, malesuada scelerisque augue neque eu nunc. Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu. In metus justo, luctus at pellentesque a, cursus et quam.

Marcius | Son
Eydis cares about Marcius. She really does, but she finds it hard to connect with him.
Diabourus | Son
Vestibulum ornare gravida sapien, a iaculis justo. Aliquam nec consectetur velit, et luctus risus. Praesent tempor ut lectus id sagittis.
Sildrid | Sister
Vestibulum ornare gravida sapien, a iaculis justo. Aliquam nec consectetur velit, et luctus risus. Praesent tempor ut lectus id sagittis.
Nora | Girlfriend
Eydis and Nora often seem to share only one braincell together. She makes Eydis act like a lovedrunk fool most of the time, which in turn, Eydis doesn't mind all that much.
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