rogan reinhart



2 years, 6 months ago


Rogan Reinhart


a fiery rogue with a shady past.

[ Rog, Roggy (use this only if you'd like to die quickly), shady rogue, seprent, sly snake, fireman, spark ]

[ 32 y.o. ]

[ Nov. 19th ]

[ male ]

[ he/him ]

[ heterosexual ]

[ human fire mage ]

[ married to Eva ]

[ none ]

[ rogue thief ]

Most fear the fire...

Having spent the majority of his life alone has given Rogan little to no appreciation for social interactions or team-work. Distrustful and secretive, he doesn't let anyone get close to him - that is unless one proves their loyalty and honesty. You can say that Rogan is a man with major attitiude problem: his usual demeanour is hostile or grumpy, showing respect to seemingly no one. Cooperation is something he's not too keen for. Despite the unfriendly aura, Rogan is immensely faithful and protective of the ones he holds close - something that Eva and the twins have learnt quickly during their shared travels.

A rogue with a misty past, Rogan doesn’t share much about his background, even with his newfound accidental teammates. He and Evangeline had met quite unexpectedly the night before girl ran away from her home in order to travel to Batheon for the Mage League. Through a series of weird runnings-up-to-each-other and wacky misunderstandings, the two team up and decide to head for Korazion’s capital together, picking the pariah twins, Finn and Mina, along the way. It would take them much patience to get comfortable with each other, but the warming influence the three friends have on Rogan is undeniably prominent and growing.

...yet some become it.
hotheaded, sulky, loyal, jealous.

Likes: hot weather, watching fire, peace and quiet, sunbathing, romance, hearth and home, solitude, night-time, dark jokes, intelligent conversations and phylosophy.


Rogan doesn't share much, but it's confimed that he's been living as a rogue thief for a while now - the last ten years, at least.

Harsh and lonely lifestyle has made his worldview rather pessimistic, to say the least. Despite appearing mostly self-confident, Rogan stuggles with really bringing out his better qualities, as disappointment follows him everywhere. Doubting and questioning, he wants to be better – he just doesn’t believe he is worthy of anything anymore. And what’s the use in trying then? His newfound friends’ affection and care are what’s starting to warm his burnt ashen heart up.



Intimidationg and closed-off, Rogan isn’t the friendliest or most approachable of people. Sharp mind and an even more sharp tongue make him a force to be reckoned with: he’s not here to play nice and he makes sure everyone understands that. Of course, once gained trust, he shows more than meets the eye. For outsiders and strangers Rogan is unconsciously and automatically mistrustful. Always on the verge and ever watchful, this man doesn’t let others too close to his fiery persona, cutting off most attempts to befriend him. It’s not that he’s genuinely ill-meaning, but the fear of trusting too much just to get stabbed in the back is what worries him the most. Natural duality, which mixes both haughtiness and deep self-loathing, both cold-mindness and passion, is also seen as disturbing to some. Rogan is selective about any displays of empathy or intimacy and appears cold on the outside due to lack of social grace. Having been lived mostly by himself and himself alone, solitude and peace are the only company he constantly seeks. Though it takes a lot of time and luck to gain his trust, once it’s been earned, you’re unlikely to find a more deep and compassionate person with such broad and strong views and sharp mind. Astute and intellectual, Rogan makes a wonderful strategist and sees everything that’s hidden from other people’s sight. Though a keen listener, he often fails to reckon with others’ opinions or even acknowledge them; he trusts in his own vision and stands firmly on his own beliefs, without the need to consult anyone’s interests. His own vision is hard to understand though, as he mostly keeps it to himself.

Rogan doesn’t like wasting words, and when he does speak, he makes no attempt to sugar coat anything. Such harsh attitiude is unappealing to most people and mostly drives them away, but this tactic just proves that only the strongest, just like himself, individuals remain by his side. Though there is nothing he appreciates more than peace and quiet, Rogan was born to fight: for survival, his goals, his views, his loved ones. Defeat is never an option when the question arises, and he’d die in a fight rather than admit his weakness. Fiery temper makes for a rather dangerous force, and combining strong rigour, - an outright deadly asset. Though usually cool and pragmatic, this man isn’t afraid of taking risks and prides in his abilities without a fault, to the point of arrogance even. There is a path throught the wicked thorns of his heart, and it’s called honesty and patience. To those he considers his friends and family, Rogan is the most thoughtful, gentle and loyal, making sure they are safe and content under his watchful wing. Despite the harsh exterior, he makes a faithful friend, an ardent lover and a dedicated family man, asking for little and giving it all. Such care and devotion can be overbearing too, as he has a tendency to shelter and pamper his loved ones, taking most control of their lives and giving too little personal space. Betrayal or a heartbreak are out of question as it’s just too dangerous to play with his emotions or trying to deceive him: Rogan sees through every lie, every badly-spoken word, and makes sure this never happens again, taking great pleasure in revenge and bringing his own twisted vengeance. For better or worse, Rogan never forgets; and also never forgives.

Dislikes: tears, children and animals, cold or wet weather, noise, liars, large companies, restrictions, being watched, drawing unwanted attention, clingy and weak-minded people, flattery.


tall, broad shoulders and long legs, black shoulder-length hair, black goatee, bright amber eyes. Almost never seen without a pitch-black eyeshadow.

doesn’t care much about his own appearance so puts on anything comfy enough and is pretty much ready to go. Loves capes and cloaks of all kinds.

posesses an intimidating and unfriendly aura. Closed-off and no-touchy, but deft and slick in motions. Has a habit of slouching a bit due to height.


1.94 m


tall, lanky, skinny



