Buddy and Baxter



2 years, 8 months ago


Species: Anthro Hyena
it's complicated. (9 and late 20s)

Physical appearances 

They share the same markings, A lighter yellow right ear and a patch over their right eye. Their left eye is surrounded by a ring of spots and there are little to no other spots on their face. (some pics have more spots on the face, this is just when i was developing them, i prefer them with just a ring of spots)  Their snout is dark and they have a single ridge of short bumpy hair. Buddy (the younger one)'s hair doesn't extend as far down his neck. He just has a few "bumps" on his head. Their chest and arms are spotty and their forearms are solid dark like the snout. The spots fade down the legs. They have a long whippy tail with rounded tufts on the edge similar to their hair. Obviously, Buddy is a lot shorter, with more juvenile proportions.

They wear clothes, though Baxter is prone to being topless.


When little Buddy was 9 he had the best summer of his life. Long lazy days at the lake, camping under the stars in his back garden, no responsibilities and no cares. As his 10th birthday approached his family warned him that double digits was a big birthday, and that soon he would grow up and start to become "A man". Buddy hated this idea. Harder school, more homework, having to earn his allowance with chores rather than just being given it. It just didn't seem fair that his carefree time was over.

So buddy made a wish. "I wish I could be nine forever." One magical starlight night. And a trickster Djinn heard his plea. But one should always be careful of what they wish for.

From that moment on, Buddy was split it two. Both sharing the same body. In his mind resided another version of himself. One that would never grow up. At first, this was fine. Buddy had what everyone considered an "imaginary friend" he spoke to an played with. But as time went on things got harder. 

In school buddy couldn't focus. His eager self constantly talking in his mind telling him learning was stupid or he was bored or couldn't they go outside. As he entered his teens and ditched his childhood nickname preferring to be known as his real name, "Baxter" He struggled trying to find a girl or fit in. The voice in his head telling him girls are gross, and that teenagers are weird. His parents tried therapy. He ended up on drugs for multiple personalities for a few years. Nothing helped.

As Baxter became an adult he had to accept remedial jobs, trying to hold them down while the child in his mind whined and complained. He couldn't study or train for better positions. He became bitter as he lived alone with no friends and no prospects. Finally, he had enough. He tracked down the Djinn and demanded the child was removed from his mind. Now long regretting his childhood wish.

But the Djinn did not deal with demands, only wishes. "I just wish he didn't share my body!" Baxter screamed. And it was done.

Buddy, his younger self. Was given form. But looking down at him, Baxter couldn't just walk away and leave him alone in a world ahead of his time. Reluctantly, Baxter took Buddy under his care. And now looks after his permanently nine-year-old self, pretending to the world he is a younger brother.


Buddy (younger self) Is a bubbly excitable kid. He has a lifetime of memories yet no experience of adult life so can be clueless, yet arrogant.  He's witnessed all Baxter's schooling yet took little to none of it in. After years of not being able to interact with the world he is very hands on and mischievous. Wanting to play and try everything. He doesn't get on with other kids his age, as he shares little interests with them. He's not hot with the internet or modern cartoons/shows and only likes retro arcade games from the 90s, not modern consoles. He is a massive lover of nature and the great outdoors. Spending much of his childhood in the woods or garden watching bugs and making campfires.

Baxter (Adult self) Is a bitter and resentful man. His whole life has been hindered by buddy, yet now he is stuck with looking after him. Even though he himself made the wish long ago, he wholly blames only Buddy for this. Baxter is a lonely man, who's never really had a true friend and is cut off from his family after a tough childhood. Sometimes though, Buddy can get through his shell, and they are known to spend wholesome moments together. Baxter was once buddy after all, so when his kid-self-brother tempts him with fun he sometimes relents. Though he has to be the responsible of the two, so the moments are fleeting.


They are the same person, split into a younger and older self cos of shenanigans. The older man is a grump about it and blames the kid. The Kid just wants to be a kid.