


2 years, 8 months ago


i havent rlly connected / havent got time to redesign him :(
gotten from a wta so trades/art only

➤ Name : Zeru (a Basque name meaning sky) 

➤ Prn. : He/Him 

➤ Age : ~25 

➤ Duty : Healer/Medicinal worker 

➤ Personality : 

Zeru's personality is ironically stereotypical of most peacocks; stuck up, proud, vain and ready to show off, with an immature excitable side that never really faded since his childhood. The healer is commonly seen with his head in the air, with a smile on his face- if he's not preening his luxurious feathers, of course. Beneath insufferable layers of pride, however, there is a kind heart. It's just hard to get to. But, it's definitely there, given the azure dragon's career choice.  From a young age, he was interested in plants; pretty plants! Pretty plants AND helpful plants! So many uses, so many colours, it was all so interesting! How fascinating it was, how something so... innocent looking could be ground down into a juice that made his lungs work better! And, of course, the fascination eventually bled into wanting to help the sick- like he was helped!