Auchi Azami



2 years, 8 months ago


Auchi Azami as Order Guts

Independent - Tough - Brave - Crude - Edgy - Lonely - Wise - Uncontrollable 

  • Delinquent & petty criminal/vandal 
  • Comes from a large, poor family and has a bad relationship with her parents 
  • Admired by many, hated by some, feared by all 
  • Has a great sense of style and is very interested in/knowledgeable about fashion and sewing; creatively influenced by 20-21st century punk and greaser culture and knows a lot about the history. An excellent tailor. Doesn't see herself as a historian, designer, or artist despite this- doesn't like to be associated with "big shots", prefers to keep her interests on the downlow and put her talents towards her community on an individual level
  • Very realistic and down to earth about life, and rolls with the punches, but has emotional outbursts frequently. Labeled a problem child
  • Doesn’t get anything out of bullying but does it anyway (usually to get people to leave her alone even when they are well intentioned). Can be very mean
  • Loves being intimidating and wears her bad reputation like a badge of honor, but secretly wishes she could be seen as friendly 
  • Doesn’t care about what people say about her (has a poor self image)

  • Embodies the digestive system and symbolizes bravery and righteousness 
  • Her order contains blueprints for Ripper Weed, a type of poisonous plant with harsh nectar used to manufacture either cooking oil or corrosive gas, depending on the buyer 
  • Has Ripper Weed thorns on her hands and face when transformed
  • Has corrosive powers; can drain nutrients from objects and people and dissolve them. Corroding objects strengthens her and gives her their properties/abilities for a short time. At first she only knew how to destroy by taking nutrients, but overtime learns how to heal by giving nutrients 
  • 19yrs old
  • Name references "ouchie" as in pain (from being pricked by a thorn in this case), while Azami means "thistle flower"

Motifs: Emerald Green, Stomach, Intestines, Acid, Thorny Flowers or Vines, Sewing, Greaser Fashion