Ponzi Conroy



2 years, 7 months ago


Ponzi Conroy as Order Brain 

Smug - Rude - Intellectual - Mischievous - Witty

  • In medical school, working towards being a surgeon 
  • Daughter of two extremely busy rich people (a doctor and a tech ceo). Has been very involved with her mother's tech business since she was a kid but her heart belongs to the medical sciences 
  • Pompous and vain, doesn’t care that she infuriates people but simultaneously wants to be universally loved 
  • Mischievous and likes to lie (I was bored so I ruined lunch and I had fun doing it)
  • Very sarcastic and has rude cortex. Kind of an insecure bully who's antagonistic for basically no reason
  • Silly/absurd and likes to joke around. Almost too committed to the bit 
  • Funniest person you will ever meet but will absolutely fuck you over somehow
  • Very very knowledgeable and passionate about the medical sciences but struggles to uphold prodigy status, puts a lot of pressure on herself 
  • Originally wanted to become a doctor out of love for her fellow man and to help others but overworking/pressure and coming of age has made her sort of jaded and lose touch with this mindset 
  • Jumps to conclusions 
  • Secretly very unsatisfied with life. Ping-pongs between "I am the smartest human being alive" and "I'm a complete failure"
  • Power hungry but not at the expense of others, very aimless in her desire for said power 
  • Struggles with addiction to a scifi equivalent of nicotine or alcohol 
  • Was born without the ability to walk and uses a scifi ass levitating "smart chair" with a gaming pc in it
  • Is colorblind, blue tinted lenses allow her to see color

  • Embodies the central nervous system and symbolizes cleverness and cunning
  • Her order contains blueprints for Faugrai, a lab-grown fungus used to manufacture biocomputers. It’s larger structure simulates a nervous system and can even gain sentience 
  • Has Faugrai growth on her head and hand when transformed
  • Has telekinesis- can move/levitate things with her mind and form force fields. Can also project illusions. Can pass energy through her body like a wire 
  • 20yrs old
  • Name references the pons (brain stem), and Conroy means "wise"
  • VC is Miranda Killgalen (Cree Summer) from As Told By Ginger

Motifs: Mint Blue, Brain, Nerves, Fungi or Mold, Webs, Cubes, Medical Supplies