


2 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info








"At least 100 years. I lost track of time some time ago."


2 feet


20 pounds


Ah yes, see, his pen name is Maltodextrin, or Malt for short, and he rather enjoys not letting people know his real name, so if you do know it he either trusts you completely or wants you dead. If you must know, it's Dh'osthe (pronounced "Dust"). He was a researcher in the fairy lands intent on unlocking the true potential of fairy dust. His research has served him well so far, and he has published a book on his initial findings some few years ago. Ironically, this research has been a relatively new interest of his, and he spent most of his life living decadently in his small community. So far his research has found uses for fairy dust in both alchemy and magic, but he still has a ways to go. While not one to call himself a mage, he does know a handful of spells, and his personal forbidden magic allows him to remain invisible so long as he has magical energy to spare.

He is proportioned like a thin human would be, albeit only 2 feet tall. His hair, with the bangs brushed to his right and the rest tied back in a braid that reaches his mid back, is a lovely shade of cyan with magenta highlights, and his irises are yellow. He has elf-like pointed ears and a pair of shimmering, rainbow coloured damselfly wings that he usually hides under a lab coat of sorts. And yes, these wings allow him to fly, and surprisingly fast at that. As the most magically inclined fairy, fairy dust permeates his being, often falling from his wings when he flies and his hair when he shakes his head. Aside from his white lab coat and black framed, non-prescription spectacles, he also wears a reddish-black long-sleeved turtleneck with bluish-black pants and greenish-black boots. He also has a utility belt of various pouches and vials, each one holding some fairy dust concoction, and a satchel slung over his shoulder.