狼殿 || Ookami-dono



2 years, 8 months ago


You wake from the rain spitting on your face. Moonlight shines through the branches of what you believe is the tallest and thickest trees you've ever seen. Other than the sound of the rain dropping onto the forest leaves, you hear nothing.

You gather your isekai knowledge and came to a conclusion that you're in ancient Japan from the folk clothing that you have on.

It is cold. Very cold. You know you won't be able to last with the thin, wet clothing you have on, so you decide to find civilization first. You began walking in the direction you think looks correct.
Seconds, minutes, hours. You don't know how long you've been walking, but you know you need shelter. Now.

Just when you are about to lose hope, you find a cave. Without hesitating, you make a run for the dark but warm-looking den...

But what's that in the fog?

Begin your adventure

Then remain lost. I am no kind stranger that will lead a lost spirit out of my woods.
You are a persistent one, indeed. Very well, I shall give you one more chance. I have 3 butterflies here. The first one is the royal monarch butterfly. The second is the delicate glass butterfly. And the third is the common blue butterfly. Which is within my prized possession?
I have 3 butterflies here. The first one is the royal monarch butterfly. The second is the delicate glass butterfly. And the third is the common blue butterfly. Which is within my prized possession?

Perhaps it's because I live in such a dark place that I crave for the fire in the monarch. Very well, you may follow me

It seems that our path of fate does not cross in this forest. You no longer serve my interest.

The blues fluttering around me are only there for my attention. I do not need any more of the common to satisfy my taste, thus you may not enter my lair. You are on your own.

[chuckles] You are a lively one. Even in this rain you remain your posture. Very well, but you must pass a little test before I let you follow me

Nonsense! Never speak of them as wolves in my face! I am not to be compared with these lowly creatures!
You watch as the wolf-man elegantly strike the 'viles' with grace. His movement, switft and precise, seems to have captured your heart.
Now, let us continue from where we left off. Shall we?

Indeed, I was once a dancer for the Lords- [breathes deeply]. We shall not let this memory ruin the mood. Come forth, young one, you are as cold as the folk tales.

... I have misjudged you, lost one. [points to a direction]. Walk for a further hour or two and you will reach civilization. I foresee our paths will never cross again. Farewell.


You wake from the rain spitting on your face. Moonlight shines through the branches of what you believe is the tallest and thickest trees you've ever seen. Other than the sound of the rain dropping onto the forest leaves, you hear nothing.

You gather your isekai knowledge and came to a conclusion that you're in ancient Japan from the folk clothing that you have on.

It is cold. Very cold. You know you won't be able to last with the thin, wet clothing you have on, so you decide to find civilization first. You began walking in the direction you think looks correct.
Seconds, minutes, hours. You don't know how long you've been walking, but you know you need shelter. Now.

Just when you are about to lose hope, you find a cave. Without hesitating, you make a run for the dark but warm-looking den...

But what's that in the fog?

click to read more
[for those that don't want to play the game]


Wolf-man: What are you doing outside my cave, young one

You: AHHHH A WEIRDO WITH EARS!!! [screaming]

W: [chuckles] You are a lively one. Even in this rain you remain your posture. Very well, but you must pass a little test before I let you follow me

I have 3 butterflies here. The first one is the royal monarch butterfly. The second is the delicate glass butterfly. And the third is the common blue butterfly. Which is within my prized possession?

Y: Royal monarch

W: Perhaps it's because I live in such a dark place that I crave for the fire in the monarch. Very well, you may follow me

Section 2

Before you were able to step into the cave, the wolf-man perked his ears. It seems like his hunting instinct kicked in.

W: The 'viles' seem to be fond of your appearance.

Y: I AIN'T GONNA DIE HERE! YAARRRRHH!! [charges towards the 'viles']

You feel a strong yet firm hand tug at your collar, pulling you back.

w: Do not rush to your grave, young one. You must learn to strike at the correct second. Watch.

Section 3

You watch as the wolf-man elegantly strike the 'viles' with grace. His movement, switft and precise, seems to have captured your heart.

W: Now, let us continue from where we left off. Shall we?

Y: Are you a dancer? [eyes shining, as if worshipping]

W: Indeed, I was once a dancer for the Lords- [breathes deeply]. We shall not let this memory ruin the mood. Come forth, young one, you are as cold as the folk tales.


  • Monarch butterflies
  • Dancing?
  • Strong ones


  • Glass butterflies
  • 'Viles'
  • Weak ones
Name ???
Gender Male
Age ???
Birthday ???
Height 1.99m
Species Wolf
Status ???


  • Doesn't like others referring 'viles' as 'wolves'
  • Used to dance for the Lords
  • Has a memory that he doesn't want to recall

Design Notes

  • Common blue butterflies likes to surround him. Perhaps because of a particular smell on his hair that attracted them.
  • Has eyes of a hunter.
  • Glasses are used for hiding his predator instincts. Without those he may lash out when provoked.


Dislike Like


Dependent Independent
Logical Emotional
Verbal Nonverbal
Elaborate Plain


3408976.png Chapter 1

Find shelter You are very cold from the rain and need to find somewhere to spend the night.



Tokens that you obtain from the adventure


A monarch butterfly the wolf-man set on your hair (it also seems to stay by your side)