chihiro's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

naps Global Rules

applied when you accept ownership of a design of mine. failing to abide by these rules will result in a blacklist
provided from:

- You may not force or add your own rules on any of my designs. When trading/selling a design of mine, the buyer is only obliged to follow this tos.

- Overpricing of my designs is strictly prohibited. Buyer must be aware of the design's value. 

- If a character has been received in a trade or bought for less than original value, it does not automatically gain its original value. (ie. buying a design for 30$ when it was worth $100, it's NEW value is now $30.) Any added artwork after purchase is to be added to the NEW value.

- A design may also NOT be inflated in value due to trade differentials. If you have traded a character of higher value for one of my designs, the value of my design does not automatically increase to that of the traded character.

- Any design of mine acquired as a gift or free MAY NOT be sold for monetary currency. Any other forms of transaction must be discussed with me. Free characters are not to be profited off of under any circumstances, and will be completely void of any previous value if gifted/re-gifted. Trading may only be discussed if the character has obtained art either purchased or created by you. Art MUST be uploaded to toyhouse before discussing terms. Otherwise it is still completely void of any value. If rehoming has been granted, the new owner is to abide by the same rules. Failing to abide by these rules will result in a blacklist.

- Additionally, any design of mine acquired as a gift or free FROM ME DIRECTLY are only due back to me, unless other terms have been discussed. If any additional art has been added, you will be compensated for your labour/money.

- My designs may not be used in depictions of racism, homophobia, sexism, transphobia or any other sorts of harmful imagery.

- Selling or trading designs of mine to someone on the blacklist is strictly prohibited, and will result in you being blacklisted as well. No exceptions.