♞ Astaroth



7 years, 16 days ago

Basic Info








Kérata (Greek for "Horned Ones")




King of the High Kérata Tribe

Love Interest

Sloth - Sloth appeared before Astaroth shortly after he took the throne, begging for freedom and a place to stay. The small halfbreed promising work in exchange. Feeling sympathy for him, the great ruler agreed and took him in as a personal servant. As time would have it, the excellence Sloth provided in his services helped him climb through the ranks, ultimately obtaining a place as Astaroth's chief adviser. The pair would only grow closer after that, eventually becoming mates. Once this happened, Sloth two became immortal. This was a huge break in tradition. As daemonic tribe leaders are the only ones gifted with immortality. It was customary for them not to take mates because they would thus share this immortal power. The only other way to obtain it would be by devouring the heart of the immortal. Still, even though there is now a metaphysical target on Sloth's head should anybody want to oppose Astaroth, he isn't worried in the least and is instead enjoying his new luxurious lifestyle.


Largely insidious and threatening in nature, Astaroth appears to be an iniquitous and overall sinister force looming upon the existence of humanity like a deadly cloud. However, this appears to be a state reserved only for creatures not of Daemon origin as the great king is seen to be far more soft-spoken and understanding when dealing with the weaker daemon in both his tribe and other tribes. He's also quick to show concern for them should they need aid yet ready to laugh and belittle mankind when they are in a similar predicament. That being said the ruler isn't one seeking to consume or wage war with humankind for any reason other than self-defense. He's perfectly content with his "kingdom" and where it is, opting instead to keep his people separated from them as a fully neutral force.


Astaroth grew up as a low ranked commoner within his tribe. At the time, ruled by a brutal and dictating force. A force that would ultimately get his mother and father killed. Stained with blood, he swore vengeance on the crown and fled the tribe promising to return and rescue his people from the tyrant when he became stronger. A feat not easily achieved by any means, but especially not by a mere child. Thus, Astaroth spent his childhood with an old hermit. A daemon of ancient times well respected amongst any clan. This hermit taught him sacred magicks and built him up strong enough to challenge for the throne. Something that Astaroth did with ease and as the custom of his clan, ripped out the loser's heart and devoured it, thus obtaining the leader's immortality. He was praised and accepted by many of his people, promising to rule fairly and with dignity. As for those who opposed him, however, he granted permission to leave the tribe or stay and suffer death. Giving his word that he would not pursue them if they took that option.


  • Enhanced speed, strength, endurance, and healing abilities are typical amongst the daemon clans.
  • Immortality - While his body doesn't age, become ill, or need food it can still be killed by outside forces such as weapons or the removal of certain limbs or organs. Starvation, however, can have an effect. While it won't kill him, it will weaken his power. Therefore eating and drinking are still needed.
  • Shadow Magick - He can call forth the shadows around him and manifest them into solid objects, usually weapons or even wings if he so desires. The amount of time he maintains control is equivalent to how much energy he has stored up in his body at the time.