


2 years, 8 months ago


>>>   G E N E R A L      

name > Elmchirp

     prefix meaning > Given for his tabby swirls similar to that of the inside of a tree

     suffix meaning > For his outgoing personality

  previous names > Elmkit, Elmpaw

nicknames > xxx

clan > Cloudclan

    previous clan > xxx

rank > Apprentice

    previous ranks > kit, apprentice

past mentor > Sunwatcher [ @/Bloom44894 ]

apprentices > Smokepelt, Lilybreeze

    current > Meadowpaw

    previous > Smokepelt, Lilybreeze

age > 12+ moons

gender > Male

sex > Male

sexuality > Biromantic Asexual

   >>>   P H Y S I C A L

basic description > A strangely tall, orange striped tom with splotches of dusty brown and white.

build > Lean and light

fur description > Sleek and well-kept

breeds > Moggy

height > 29 cm

weight > 8.2 lbs

voice > Kyle Phillips as Denki Kaminari

scent > Roses and fresh pine

scars > 3 small scars on left shoulder

accessories > xxx

banned traits > Infertile Male Calico/Tortoiseshell

   >>>   P E R S O N A L I T Y

positive >

    >> Enthusiastic > He shows quite eager enjoyment for many, many things! Hoarding objects, hunting, training, really almost anything. He also loves new things, cause, well they’re new!

    >> Energetic > Did he ever get tired? No! Not from running for hours, talking his maw off, almost nothing tires this cat out! He always has the energy to do really anything.

    >> Adaptable > He adapts to new environments easily, new things, new life, sounds like his dream! He thinks a lot about different worlds, so when those new worlds become reality, he is excited to continue through with it.

neutral >

    >> Dramatic > He may exaggerate situations just a smidge.. But hey! Adding extra drama always makes this world more fun! It was always looking a bit dull anyways.

    >> Emotional > His feelings seem to go to the surface easily. He cries whenever he feels saddened, even if the cause of that sadness was so small. His heart always seemed to be so sensitive.

    >> Outspoken > He’ll say his opinion on a matter. He doesn’t care how others will treat his opinion. Sometimes. But he wants to be heard, not silenced. Silence had always been annoying anyway.

negative >

    >> Escapist > Usually when he is in a bad mood, he finds comfort in his own head. Dreaming up fantasies of a happy world, hero cats saving the day from any threats that try to come upon their clan.. God, if only it were real.

    >> Gullible > He falls for other people's words easily. I mean, no one is really a villain? Just heroes in disguise!.. right?

    >> Easily discouraged > He doesn’t like when people insult him, or when his flaws are pointed out. It makes him moody, and just unmotivated to do anything for a while.

likes >

    > Pretty rocks, sentimental items, really anything he can hoard into a little stash

    > Climbing, he always liked climbing trees, seeing the world from so high up

    > Breathing, hey, don’t question it, he likes the feeling of air filling his lungs

    > Good smells, the smell of roses or morning dew is always beautiful to smell for him

dislikes >

    > Deep waters, it’s dark underwater, you can’t see the world in darkness. And he likes to see the world.

    > Cold weather, he hates being cold, how winds could glide such cold through his fur, it’s annoying. But, bonus, maybe he gets more cuddles?

   >>>   F A M I L Y

parents >

    >> Almondsnap > A orange tabby she-cat with striking red eyes > Deceased > CC > NPC

    >> Sweetpurr > A brown, gold, and white spotted tom with pale yellow eyes > Deceased > CC > NPC

siblings >

    >> Sunkit > A gold and orange spotted she-cat > Deceased > CC > NPC

mate >

    >> Quailbelly > A beige and brown pointed rosette molly with green eyes > Mothflutter

kits >

    >> xxx

extended >

    >> xxx

   >>>   R O M A N T I C


    previous mates > xxx

    romantic interests > xxx

    looking for > Long term

likes in a potential mate >

    > Someone who won’t mess with his hoard of items

    > If they listen to what he talks about, he approves

dislikes in a potential mate >

    > Someone who will insult him, whether it’s their humor or not

    > If they leave him for long periods of time. If they ain’t gonna be with him, then they ain’t gonna be with him.

interested in kits > yes

preferred family size > small

   >>>   S K I L L S

abilities >

   [ 6 / 10 ] || agility

   [ 4 / 10 ] || stealth

   [ 6 / 10 ] || speed

   [ 4 / 10 ] || strength 

   [ 6 / 10 ] || endurance

   [ 6 / 10 ] || climbing

   [ 3 / 10 ] || swimming

senses >

   [ 5 / 10 ] || sight

   [ 5 / 10 ] || hearing

   [ 6 / 10 ] || smell

   [ 4 / 10 ] || taste

   [ 5 / 10 ] || touch

knowledge >

   [ 5 / 10 ] || den building

   [ 4 / 10 ] || battle tactics

   [ 5 / 10 ] || hunting tactics

   [ 1 / 10 ] || kitting knowledge

   [ 1 / 10 ] || herbal knowledge

   >>>   H I S T O R Y

kithood [ 0 - 6 moons ] >

   He had always been a very happy kit. He and his sister had been the most beautiful kits his parents laid eyes on. And they loved them with all their hearts. His mother helped him grow bigger and stronger. And his father told him tales of old, even if at his age he didn’t really understand what his father was yapping about. Either way, he was very clingy to his family. He was always at his mothers side.

   That was until he had learned to walk. As soon as he was able to put one foot in front of the other, he was all over the place. Clambering over his parents backs, pouncing onto his sister. His mouth blabbering words upon words that sometimes he didn’t even understand. He also loved playing with the other kits too. Even if sometimes he didn’t understand the point of their games, he and Sunkit were always eager to join in. Most would have thought they were exact twins with how similar in personality they were.

   And while playing, he found a very shiny rock, and it had forever been his. Tucked away under his nest in the nursery den. He loved keeping things, his paws loved fiddling with strangely shaped sticks and half-eaten leaves whenever there weren’t kits around to play.

   Soon enough, he was five moons old. Happy with his family, and his sister. One more moon, and he would become an apprentice. Be taught how to hunt, fight, how to be the hero like in all the stories his father told him. It had him all jittery in excitement. But, Sunkit had asked him if he wanted to sneak out of camp with her. And, well, he agreed! Wouldn’t it be so awesome to come back to the clan with a ton of prey in his paws. Even before he was made an apprentice? He would make his family so proud!

   And well, it was kinda fun at first. He and his sister joke with each other while strolling through the fields. She even picked a small daisy, saying that she wanted to give it to him so they could remember their time out here. And he promised himself to never remove it from his fur. Sadly, catching prey was much harder than it looked, and they came out empty pawed.

   But, on their way back to camp, their chatting was interrupted by a deep snarl that made his fur stand on end. An average sized fox blocking their path to Cloudclan camp. And well, his sister being the braver one, leaped at the creature claws outstretched. Though they’ve never been trained to fight. And she was quick to be on the ground bleeding heavily. He tried himself to stop the fox, but narrowly missed a blow with just some small claw marks on his shoulder.

   Starclan must have given him luck, because here came Almondsnap, barreling into the fox before it could go after Elmkit. He remembered his father’s last words ‘RUN!’ Before he had thrown himself back towards Cloudclan camp. He had told his mother about the situation, and she had grounded him to the nursery for the day, made him get checked up at the medicine den, then taken off out of camp. None of them ever returned.

   He had waited that whole day to see a glimpse of his mother, father, or maybe even Sunkit. But, there was nothing. That night, instead of sleeping, he had curled up and cried instead. Guilt and anger never easing up, and never letting him rest. He had only been able to pass out a few hours before sunrise.

   And now, as much as he hated to break his mental promise, he removed the daisy and instead stashed it into his small hoard. He didn’t feel deserving enough to wear it. Not after what happened to Sunkit! He should have told her no, he shouldn’t have run, he shouldn’t have left them to fight the fox on their own. He felt like Starclan would disapprove of him if he ever wore the daisy.

   And then, the day came. He was now 6 moons old. And it was time for his apprentice ceremony.

apprenticeship [ 6 - 12 moons ] >

    He was pretty excited to say the least. Now being able to explore the territories, see new things, collect even more strange items? It will be fun, he just knew it. A tabby she-cat named Sunwatcher was announced to be his mentor, and he was extremely excited. It had seemed that at first Sunwatcher was nervous to get an apprentice, but she looked to have warmed up quickly to him. When he had asked her what her favorite prey was between mouse and rabbit, she had said rabbit. And well, after their first training session..

    It became his favorite too.

    Shortly after, he met two apprentices. Coalpaw and Cobblepaw, and well saying they were awesome was an understatement. Coalpaw’s personality was extremely similar to his own. And Cobblepaw is very smart and articulate, someone he looked up to. He wished that once he becomes a warrior, he’s able to be as strong as her. And he considered Coalpaw to be one of his best friends.

    A big moment happened when Hostadash had come back to camp. Apparently, he had gone missing moons ago, and was presumed dead by many. But, He’s never talked to Hostadash, nor was he close to the cat. And at that moment he met Hazestorm. They were a grumpy cat, fairly snappy and kinda rude to others. But, they actually seemed to grow nicer to him. Not long after they met, Hazestorm had given him a gift. It was a bundle of sticks, shaped in what he saw to be a dog. Maybe to others the gift would be worthless. But to him, it was the most treasured thing he owned. He had somehow annoyed a new friend into his life.

    Along his apprenticeship he has met other cats as well. Orchidpaw, Sablepaw, Figfall, Aldersnap, and some others he’s probably only spoken to once and then forgotten about. He had the most enjoyable time during his apprenticeship. Training with others and his amazing mentor Sunwatcher. He was having the time of his life.

    Until a big incident happened and caused the clan to be on edge. Apparently the crystal falls had been attacked during the medicine cat’s meeting. Cloudclan had lost their own medicine cat in the process, Waverose. And not long after, Cloudclan’s second medicine cat was gone too. Bramblewhisper's body had been found on the edge of Marshclan’s border. Many assumed that Marshclan had something to do with the death of the medicine cat. In return, many Marshclan cats were angered by the acquisitions.  

    But, Starlingstar had asked Sandstar if they could search the territory to investigate Bramblewhisper’s death. At first, Sandstar was reluctant, but after Marshclan found the dug up entrance of one of the tunnels they deemed that something was definitely going on that should be investigated. So, Sandstar agreed, but only if some Marshclan were to come along and monitor the situation as well. So, once Elmpaw got the chance to, he came along on the trip to search the tunnels.

    He had only heard stories of the tunnels, but being inside them was both thrilling and scary. The tunnels could collapse on any of them at any time, and yet his curiosity overruled any fear of that happening. Leopardbite, Gloomthorn, and a few others had split off from the group and as much as he thought it was a bad idea, he didn’t say anything about it. There were small squabbles between the two clans, but he mostly ignored it all, more focused on trying to find anything at all in this investigation. And well, he noticed something and had slowly walked over to check it out. They were footprints. Big ones, much bigger than any normal sized cat. And he said so to the rest of the group. He got congratulated by a few cats, and even though it was only a few, he felt the praise swell his heart with pride anyway.

    Then there were panicked cries from down one of the tunnels. The same tunnel that Leopardbite and Gloomthorn had disappeared down minutes before. Everyone was immediately on edge as they heard something coming towards them. And by the stomping of its paws, it was something big. Starlingstar had ordered Lochjaw and Hazestorm to protect him, but he honestly felt he didn’t need protecting. He can defend himself all on his own. So, when the bobcat turned the corner, he was already ready to attack. Hazestorm didn’t try to stop him, because they knew they wouldn’t be able to.

    He knew he got a couple of good strikes in while the bobcat was distracted by the bigger warriors. But he could only watch as it strikes both Lochjaw and Hazestorm. And it hit them badly. Lochjaw was left unconscious with a very serious injury to the head and face, and Hazestorm had been knocked out cold by the hit too. Hazestorm had tried to tell him to run before losing consciousness, but he couldn’t just run from this battle. Not after this bobcat just attacked and hurt his friend. It seemed that they were overpowering the large cat when it decided it had enough and started bashing against the walls. He could feel the rumble as the tunnel started collapsing on itself, and the bobcat took the chance to run out. But, the tunnel collapsed and trapped many cats behind it. 

    Including Hazestorm. 

    He was devastated when he realized that his friend was trapped behind that wall, and he rushed to dig and try to get them out, but hadn’t heard the order from Starlingstar. When Starlingstar pulled him from the wall of dirt to remind him harshly what his order was, he quickly followed. His order was to get extra help, to go back to camp and get reinforcements to help in the dig out and for injuries. So, after returning to camp and getting help, he returned back to the tunnels to help in getting cats out.

    Due to the fact that Cloudclan had no medicine cat, once cats were freed from the collapse those with serious injuries were set to rest and heal in Marshclan camp. Those with little or less serious injuries were sent back to camp. So, he hated never knowing if Hazestorm was okay, as he lay curled in his nest worried one day that Hazestorm’s heart would stop beating. And that he wouldn’t be there to say goodbye. But he tried to stay optimistic, and he is happy he did, because Hazestorm had returned to Cloudclan after their injuries had fully healed. He was ecstatic to see the return of their friend. And although Hazestorm had many cobwebs, bandages, and scars now, just having them back made him happy.

    When the day came that Cloudclan and Marshclan were to chase off the bobcat for good, Elmpaw decided to stay in camp. As much as he wanted to claw out that creature's eyes as revenge for Hazestorm’s near death, he felt maybe it would be better to just stay with Hazestorm instead. And they had fun, they chatted and cuddled a bit, acting oblivious to the fact that Cloudclan was fighting for their lives outside. But, Hazestorm had also been acting strange, and still seemed to be in pain and suffering, even though all her external wounds were wrapped up and healing. Soon enough, Elmpaw was filled with worry, and decided to report this situation to the medicine cats. When Hazestorm was checked out, they concluded that there were some internal injuries that they must have missed at the start, and that there wasn’t much they could do. There wasn’t anything anyone could do to stop Starclan from taking Hazestorm, his friend.

    After that, he spent days hiding away from the world, staring at the pile of sticks wishing that maybe they could come back. That Starclan would let him see Hazestorm one last time. He couldn’t even be excited for his upcoming warrior ceremony, not while knowing Hazestorm wouldn’t be there to watch him become a strong warrior. He didn’t even know what to blame. Should he blame Starclan for taking his friend? But, that wouldn’t be right, blaming them for bringing Hazestorm to a safer and more peaceful place. He could blame the medicine cats, but he knew there wasn’t much that could be done, that they had tried their best to help them. So, he settled for blaming himself, because he should have done something, anything to stop Hazestorm getting injured so badly.

    Luckily, the newly appointed medicine cat Cirruspaw seemed to walk in on his moping. Her presence and words had helped his spirits rise a bit. Letting out every guilty thought that had brought him into the darkness of sorrow and grief, really felt nice. Just, spilling it all out to someone felt reassuring to say the least. It gave him comfort, and gave him support from being crushed under every negative thing that was going through his head. She told him that it really wasn’t his fault, that it was all that bobcats. And well, he believed her, because she was right. So now, he has a particular new vengeance against bobcats.

    Now, he felt ready for his warrior ceremony. Sure, it would suck that Hazestorm was not there in person to see him become a warrior, but they were watching from the stars above, in the ranks of Starclan. He also would enjoy having his ceremony alongside two of his closest friends, Cobblepaw and Coalpaw. So now, he went to his warrior ceremony with a new bounce in his step.

warriorhood [ 12 - present moons ] >

   He was named Elmchirp, apparently for his ‘outgoing personality’, so he would accept it. Sure, it was nice, he just hoped he didn’t get awed for it. Because it sounded more cute compared to other names he maybe could have gotten, like ‘Elmclaw’ or ‘Elmpounce’. Doesn’t matter, cool name or not, he was now a warrior.

    He could now officially go outside of camp without the company of a mentor or a warrior. Even though technically with the new harsh weather it wasn’t the nicest time to be outside, it didn’t matter much to him. He was happy to pounce through the snow, even if prey was scarce.

   >>>   T R I V I A

> Literal definition of a wild goose

> Will become like- a superstar 🙄, no one can tell me otherwise

> Hates foxes and any mention of them

> Will not let you touch his horde of shinies

> Died protecting his kit, Rubblepaw, from stray dogs. Going down with his mate.

  >>>   C R E D I T S

Written Application @/vicstars

Character Design @Melontine

Application Art @/me