🎴; Fukuyima Shuichi❞



2 years, 8 months ago



name shuichi
age ???
gender agender (he/him/they/them)
s.o demipansexual
height 2. 11m
race ???
role godslayer
powers god of the night
alignment chaotic neutral

If you look up "emotion" in the dictionary, this dude would appear as an antonim. The only emotions he shows are evil mischief and dissaproval. It is unknown if he lacks any other emotion or just avoids showing them.

But with his lack of emotion, he shows his mental and spiritual strength and endurance. He really doedn't like hanging around people, he's a loner, antisocial or introvert, whatever you may call them.

However, if you can (somehow) get on his good side, Shuichi can be really protective about your well-being, even if he denies it. Connections are important to them.


  • He follows a 'foraging' lifestyle, that is that he only eats what he grows, hunts or forages.
  • They like collecting a random trinket of every foe they defeat (or kill).
  • They can shapeshift! But almost never do so.
  • He actually has a small short tail hidden under his clothing.
  • It's a secret, but... Shuichi has a scar on his mouth/lips that he's ashamed of, that's the main reason why he wears the mask.
  • The symbol on his earring is ❝ 天 ❞ ('Ten'), meaning heaven or sky. They only have one hanging off of their left ear.
Design Notes

  • He has two face scars. One on his left cheek, an other on the left side of his mouth, through the lips.
  • vitae proin sagittis nisl rhoncus
  • Purus in mollis
  • Nunc sed id semper
  • Felis eget velit aliquet

Raised by a secretive, small traveling ninja clan, Shuichi had a hatred for this world since he could rationally think. After he became of age, he abandoned the clan, and after fending for himseld, he joined a small group of individuals with his same views, and on a mission to kill the evil gods that led the world to ruin.

After killing and assimilating the soul and powers of the God of the Night, he gaines multiple abilities, including:

  • Controling, morphing into, traveling through an materializing shadows into weapons, projectiles, platforms and extra limbs.
  • Materializing and manipulating the dreams, although specially nighmares, into real monsters an creatures.
  • Manipulate and consume souls, including the ability to "harvest" divine souls and purge inmortal divine gods.

Even so, Shuichi has extensive knowledge in ninja fighting styles, techniches and a diverse expertise in many types of weaponry, which he shows in combat when transforming shadows into weapons. With this skills, he strives to use the power of the old gods to destroy this world, and create a better one.