


2 years, 8 months ago


Basic Information
Pronouns: she/her
Height: 5'8"
Family members: Uttara [mother], Zarien [father], Entian [older brother], Luzaris [younger brother]

Senrie comes from a Royal family, and is the nations only princess. Despite the fact she is not the eldest child, she is the heir to the throne due to being the most responsible child. She often takes part in political affairs because of this and has developed quite a few close relationship with other nations rulers. One in particular being Anu. As they've met many times for political reasons they have gradually gotten closer and she developed quite a large crush on him. Their "strictly business" relationship going out the window as she slowly started teasing him more often and learned she loves making him pouty and flustered. Her visits and letters to him increasing significantly as she grows more confident and cheeky with her interactions with him. Her mother believes this is due to them having a great relationship and thinks nothing of it. Senrie's parents are not aware of this teasing, more immature side of her.

~She's traveling a lot and usually brings masses of paper work with her. Being royalty is not all fun and games.
~When her parents aren't looking she likes to tease and torment her brothers. Their parents still don't believe when they try to tattle. 
~Despite having quite the stinky side of her personality, she's extremely caring and sweet and tries not to go too far with her teasing. Except with Entian, he deserves it.