Darcy Casanova



2 years, 8 months ago


Darcy is the court jester for the kingdom of Crysidia, although he comes from another town. He ran away from home at 17 due to his parents, who are well known and respected scientists (his mother being a mechanical engineer and his father being a chemist). They expected him to follow in their footsteps, bombarding him with a horrific workload and high expectations. While Darcy seemingly inherited their talent (he personally excelled at similar things as his mother, although he was particularly good at prosthetics), he also inherited their short tempers, and was incredibly frustrated with the quality of his work and despised STEM altogether.

He found a new passion in making others smile, and began to neglect his studies to play music for random crowds. His parents were infuriated when they found out and cracked down on his schooling, making sure he would be forced to be focused. Darcy decided he wanted to make his parents proud for once, and do one grand creation that would finally make them happy and prove his worth. 

One of Darcy's closest friends since childhood, Cassidy Cardew, was an amputee without her right arm from below the elbow, and he had made her a prosthetic in the past, but he wanted to upgrade from the simple prosthetic and allow her to be able to use magic with it. Cass had magical abilities, but they required touch for them to properly function and she was only able to channel her magic through the left hand because of this. What Darcy wanted to achieve was incredibly dangerous — it had been attempted before but never successfully achieved, and there had been horrible and dangerous repercussions. However, he was determined for his parents approval and to make Cass happy.

Unfortunately, determination could not save Darcy, and as he tested his prototype, the project exploded and wounded him terribly. He had swung up his arm to try and shield himself, and while the burn marks eventually healed with skin grafts and time, shrapnel from the explosion caused blindness in his left eye. As he sat in his hospital bed, he was overcome with disappointment and anger at his failure. Cass was the only one who visited him while he was on bed rest.

Having enough, Darcy decided he needed to leave, making a working prosthetic eye (no magic required — and it was pink!), packed up his few possessions, said goodbye to Cass and disappeared from his hometown. After a few years of being a traveling bard, he decided to settle down in Crysidia.

Wasn't too long before he got himself in some trouble and ended up at the castle, but the king struck up a conversation with him and found him captivating, hiring him as a court jester and unofficial babysitter for his two daughters, the princesses Alice and Portia. Darcy is happy at the castle, having made friends with everyone in a matter of days, except for Ariel.