Iva and Ebon



2 years, 7 months ago



Iva Fenn


 GENDER   Genderfluid 

 ORIENTATION   Bisexual 

 AGE   63 

 HEIGHT   5'6" 

 SPECIES   Greater Demon 


 PRONOUNS   He/ Him 

 GENDER   Male 

 ORIENTATION   Straight 

 AGE   ? 

 HEIGHT   8'2"

 SPECIES   Wasteland Monster 


 TYPE   Friends 

 LOCATION  Hell Wilds 

 STATUS   Steady 

 LIVING STATUS   Together  

 THEME  song








  • Iva wears spats when travelling to protect their legs
  • Ebon doesn't know how to read, write or even really understand any modern languages
  • He often wears a saddle and some bags with important supplies just in case they have to leave in a hurry.
  • Ebon's ears aren't torn, they're just strangely shaped like that. 


Iva and Ebon are two demons who wander the extremely dangerous uninhabited regions outside of the Empire primarily helping others who happen to wander out too far and got lost or in trouble.

Ebon is very headstrong and attempts to act and look tough and scary, though usually this results in him taking on more than he can reasonably do. Since Iva was the first humanoid he met when he 'came to', he thinks that they possibly had something to do with his awakening and therefore vowed to always stay with Iva and protect them- it's not like he has anywhere else to go anyway.

Iva is proficient with most things that require a deft and steady hand: sewing, fixing things, mending people, that sort of thing. They're extremely patient and don't mind taking the extra time to make sure something is perfect. They can get rather protective and hate seeing others hurt- this includes Ebon, who Iva sometimes gets annoyed at when he decides to put himself between them and some dangerous creature, resulting in him getting scratched up again.



Iva, back when they lived within the safe borders of the United Empire of Hell, was studying to be a doctor in between helping doing work for their family business until their family got into huge trouble with a big mob, resulting in Iva deciding to leave to protect their family.


Ebon was wandering wild and feral in the wilds until one day he, injured and exhausted, wandered into one of Iva's traps. Iva, feeling sorry for him, decided to go against their instincts and help nurse him back to health. Over that time he slowly started becoming aware of his own actions and thoughts again for the first time in possibly thousands of years.