free's Comments

I would love to have this cutie I have plans to make a cheetah and lion clan 

read the folder description.

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Awww he is so cute 😍😍😍can i adopt this sweety one?

please read the folder description

May I adopt this cutie? I will call them Spirit who is a strong willed cheetah who loves to run and protect those close to him(His grandmother and friends), he loves taking in charge in running competitions for young cheetah cubs and looking after them.


please read the folder description

My apologies.

Hey there starryamari-sale

I was wondering if this cutie was still available for adoption? He would make a great best friend for my big cat OC^^

he is available, but only free with purchase. you're able to offer on just him though.

Oh okay, thank you!

Would you accept 2-3 little YCH chibis like this? (could also offer the $3!)

Ill take them for a trade if thats ok?

i dont know what i'm trading for.

The..cheetah? You can look through my th folders to trade

you're offering for this character, no? i didnt know what you were offering. 

in any case, i didnt see anyone in particular that i was interested in. sorry.