Neonium "Neon" 🔥



2 years, 8 months ago


Neonium "Neon" the Dragon
Age 23 Years Old
Height 6'11" (210.82 cm)
Gender Cis Male (He/Him)
Orientation Polyamorous Bisexual
Race/Species Dragon
Worth TBA

Cigarettes, Weed

Being Alone

The Dark & The Heat

His Boyfriends hehe <3

Winter/The Cold

Most Cold Foods

Chatty & Peppy People

Being Touched At ALL

Grouchy . Intimidating . Quiet

Neon is a very tall and equally intimidating dragon who's personality can be summed up pretty simply with the phrase "no bullshit." He puts up with nothing from anyone, even his own friends (which are few and far between) and is not at all afraid to use his stature to threaten people into doing what he wants, whether it be for them to move the hell away from his personal space or tell someone else to do the same- though he'd usually much rather confront people face-to-face. He's not at all afraid of threats made against him, nor is he opposed to fighting, though despite his bitter attitude, he actually remains fairly quiet in his day-to-day life, much prefering to stay in the shadows, away from public eyes. In fact, he rarely has to confront anyone verbally at all; usually just a simple glare is enough to deter others from so much as getting near him, though he does harbor a soft spot in his heart for those that do have the gusto to actually stand up to him, and when he smiles it's usually an indicator of that.. plus the fact that you'll probably be dead soon JGHBGNFG <3 He can be drawn wearing any outfit, though only wears darker colors and has a strong preference for stuff like leather jackets, ripped jeans, buckled boots, etc.

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