❤✿★ Uriel



2 years, 8 months ago
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Wheel of Fortune X
Uriel, the representation of the Tarot’s Wheel of Fortune, was once a wise and playful deity of luck and karma. Out of the tarots, he was the best at giving advice about fate and breaking cycles of bad luck. He often held insight to the future, alternative paths, and changing luck, but never once did he use this knowledge to advantage himself.  Uriel used to be quite cheeky as well, often cursing those with mischievous intent. His everyday hobby being people watching and cursing criminals with bad luck. It was his little service of justice.

Before being corrupted, Uriel was a playful yet wise Tarot card. He enjoyed tormenting his fellow Tarot cards with poorly drawn art, harmless pranks and sometimes with pleasant surprises. He loves his fellow Tarots very dearly, and often blesses them with luck from time to time without them knowing.  

Work wise, he was great at giving advice to cure bad luck, break bad cycles, and giving advice for the future. He often loved to bless good luck upon those with kind natures. He swore a pact with himself to never use his powers on himself, which is why his luck abilities seem that much more powerful. If this sworn pact with himself was ever broken, he'd face misfortune. Of course this pact is something he only shares with those he trusts most. In his free time he enjoys people watching, cursing evil-dooers with bad luck, and blessing kind souls with good luck. It entertains him greatly.

Like many of the other Tarots, Uriel has his own room which he retreats to in times of rest. This room, only accessible by him and those he grants permission, is a wide empty room with a pendulum and a scale. The pendulum is in constant swinging motion, swaying back and forth to symbolise the movement of time. The scale representative of the balance of good and bad in the world, which he tries to keep balanced. There's not much else in there, he finds it easier to unwind in a place with no distraction.

Uriel has clockwork hands for legs, the origin behind this was from the pact. A long time ago, when he was a much younger and less wise Tarot, he had broke the pact. He was desparate to win a prize from a human lottery, a beautiful pocketwatch. Instead of winning it fair and square, he acted selfishlessly and blessed himself with immense good luck and won the pocketwatch. When he returned home, he collapsed. Burning sensation crawled from his toes and up his legs, when he took a look he found that his legs were disintegrating right before his eyes he watched in indescribably agony as his legs burned up into ashes and vanished, only stopping past his knees. This was a lesson learned from him never to break the pact. His clockwork hand legs were made  as a replacement. It took a while of adjustment, afterall walking on fine points was quite difficult. But once he got the hang of it walking and running felt fresh, like new life had been breathed into once a monotonous and unnoteworthy daily task. He never stopped moving after that, which is why he appears so hyper and energetic.

After being corrupted, he lost self control, no longer did he have free will to control himself anymore.

The dark being within him desires Uriel's powers to control luck, for if it can make itself as lucky as possible it could potentially be untouchable. However, unaware of the pact, the corruption would soon find out that using his powers the way it desired would be a cost too high to pay.  wip idfk

Uriel's legs are very sharp and can be used as a weapon. Corrupted Uriel would be a violent force to reckon with, it would not be wise to face him alone.

Further on in the story, the corruption grants Uriel some free will again. He's given control of himself and free thought. At this point it's hard to distinguish when Uriel is corrupted and when he's not.

Uriel, even before the corruption, has held a deep distaste for the cruel people in the world. He wishes to punish them all and often feels like bad luck is not enough to serve as punishment. As he's corrupted, he's able to live out a deep desire of his, to purge the evil in the world, in other words kill those who do not deserve the gift which is life. In his corrupted state, the more people he's forced to kill, the less resistant he is to being corrupted, as he slowly succumbs to his dark desire. Which is why the corruption allows him to act on his free will. Though there is still conflict as the corruption wishes to end the Tarots, and he still holds deep regards for them (for now). Uriel's corruption cycle, his hair never turns fully dark to represent a part of him is still there