Calliope Pines



2 years, 8 months ago


Name: Calliope Pines

Nickname: Callie, Ms. Pines

Age: ??? (about mid 20s, doesn't know her birthday and only has approximate age)

Gender: (Trans) Woman

Pronouns: She/her/herself

Height: 5'10"

Clan: Delta

Flavor: Truffle

Occupation: At-home teacher

Calliope has large...lapses in memories from when she was younger, so much so that she fails to remember her own birthday or how old she even is.  Every time she tries to remember, a sharp pain erupts in the middle of her back, so painful that it makes her vision go dark, so she just lets it go.  She does get...nightmares, or visions prehaps, of a tree growing far too quickly to be natural through a small house in the swamps with the sounds of screams coming from within that cut off abruptly.  She fears using her powers and hides her gem because of them, knowing deep down that she is the source.  She's intelligent, brilliant, even - she could be a professor, if she wanted, but instead she wants to teach a small group, so she becomes a traveling teacher, of sorts.  She has a friend that lives out in the Delta woods - Thanatos - that have a group of kids that need to be taught, so that's what she does.  She brings them actual curriculum, not that there is anything wrong with these teenagers being taught magic by the witch, Macaria, but so that they are more well rounded.  They're good kids.  She's a very quiet sort, doesn't like to talk about herself very much, and likes to keep things tidy.