Jester's Comments

Name: Berry 

Age: 19

Pronouns: she/they 

Little background 

Berry is the owner of the cherry café that is a family owned café that don’t give to flying flip flops about karen but Berry loves the café that she owns and hire people who are down on their  luck but she consider them as family as her real family went missing she of course reported it but the police did nothing about so she did her own investigation that she is still looking into 

( This is all I can think of right now but if I get them I’ll do more anyways have a lovely day/night or evening ^^ )

name - kris
prns - she/he/they

lil backstory

it had been five years since they had arrived to the hellhole that was their new home, but kris was still as new to the place as ever. even now, she was scanning the town square, looking for a shady merchant that had promised some very fancy wares- at least, 'fancy' meaning that it was fancier than most things in skrifftown, which was pretty easy to be.
now, kris had finally spotted the vendor, who was sitting on the rim of the fountain, fiddling with a box of some kind. her paws were frantically trying to open the box, it seemed, which kris noticed. 'alright,' kris thought in their head, 'got to act tough.'

"I-uh-" the merchant said, her paws still scratching at the box. "Are you kris?"
"Mhm," they replied.
"H-here," the merchant stuttered as she handed the box, paws shaking to kris.
"If I want a refund," kris said smoothly- although she probably sounded fake- "How can I contact you?"
"G-go to the uhm... uh Skrifftown station. Ask for R-robin." robin seemed nervous, and for a second kris wondered if the box contained what was promised.
"Alright," kris sighed. "Does this thing open?"
robin, the merchant scurried away without another word. even after five years, kris still had no idea how to do anything in skrifftown.
he wondered if he would ever see robin again.

Name: Jester

Age: Unknown, maybe around 15-ish

Gender: Female

Not too much is known about Jester to other people. She’s rather mysterious to everyone she meets except for those she gets very close with. On the surface, she still seems to be very kind to others and doesn’t mind helping people out with some tasks here and there, but something always seemed a little off about her to other people, it always looks like she never truly shows who she is and is constantly hiding something. She has a bit of a reason for this, as she actually jumps through different dimensions frequently, and is there to either pull strange pranks on people or genuinely help them. She just thinks it’s fun that she can do whatever she wants and people will never know who she is or where she came from. She did, however, eventually get close to someone from another universe and comes back to see them often, but it’s very complicated as she doesn’t want to be known or be caught for what she does.


Thank you so much!! ^^



- age: 17

-likes: horror movies, trick or treating, games, music

-hates: pink, homos, racist

- sexuality: lesbian

-gender: female

Harley is a sweet but sour little girl! she usually stays in her room working on art and making music. she lives in a nice small 4 room modern house with her girlfriend Sindy. During the night she is always/ usually on the couch watching movies with her. she loves to just play and hopes one day she can get married to her and have kits! but her girlfriends work 2 jobs, a medic and a director. together the two make animations movies, and collaborate with corporates. 

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