


2 years, 11 months ago


Izumi Hirano

She//her ā€” 19yrs

QUIRK: Mind Exchange


mind exchange is a mental based quirk, which allows Izumi to swap her consciousness into another person, being free to use their body as she pleases and trapping the other personā€˜s mind in her body. Switching bodies is a heavily disorienting event for the victim in question, it effectively leaves them stunned and dazed while trapped in Izumiā€™s body. Along with a small period of disorientation when switched back.


Her control has a limited range from her body, once the victim leaves a certain length from her body, their consciousness Swaps back, because the strain is too much for her. Consistent migraines, forgetfulness, and mind fog are some side effects. She has extremely awful migraines if she uses the Quirk for a long period of time.


Mind exchange has a visible energy pulse, it is shown in the form of purple brains that are translucent, that appear around her head when in use. The victims eyes also become a shade of purple, usually indicating they are under her control. She is able to read minds from time to time, it is a random occurrence however. The thoughts sound like an echo of the personā€™s voice in her own mind.


She is a cold, calculating, and a logical thinker. She will go out of her way to prove a point. In most cases she goes too far, in acting violence if the argument is escalated. She has trouble connecting with others, turning her back on people she deems dumb and immature. Her blunt and harsh remarks and overall dark demeanor keep others away. She cannot grasp why though, she is simply right. She also is not very good at expressing her feelings verbally or with actions, she keeps them bottled up and refuses to speak on anything emotion related, it is simply a waste of time. Anything that is not progressive is considered a waste of time to her, she does not have many hobbies because of her strict way of thinking, along with her lack of friends, she does not ingest too much outside of her personal circle. She is labeled as ā€œblandā€ and ā€œscaryā€ To her peers. Ā Empathizing with others also does not come naturally, she always logically picks apart any issue failing to understand the emotional attachment to the situation. She does occasionally wish she had other people that understood her, but she tries her best not to give in to such idiotic thoughts.


She was found after using her quirk to stop traffic in the middle of the city, so she could cross the road. It wasnā€™t a small event, she possessed the traffic guard trying to regulate the very Busy intersection after being fed up with waiting. She paid no mind towards the huge accident she ended up causing, simply walking through them now stopped wreckage to get to her destination. It was obvious she was a source given the energy post that is created by her quirk, and the fact she was the only one unfazed. After some heroes were called to assist with the massive mess, the traffic cams were run back and Izumi was seen and tracked down to be held responsible. In learning about her other selfish and violent instances that have been reported by people in her community and within her school, she was recommended to the secret 1-V program by the police. Her multiple instances of concerning behavior was much more than her simply being selfish, but showing some serious signs of mental health issues and the traits of a uprising villain. Her powerful work also was something that needed to be trained before it got out of control. Thus, AllMight pursued her as a student while she was in holding, eventually getting her to join the UA 1-V program.