


2 years, 8 months ago


An angsty cavewoman with a relatively gentle upbringing. She watched her tribe survive day to day, hunting only what they could and constantly fearing the dinos that ruled the earth. Troodon decided enough was enough when she came into maturity, taking over the tribe with force and starting a campaign of violence against the prehistoric reptiles, greatly overhunting for food- and sport. She didn't care until she got her come-up ins, getting struck by lightning as she was hunting a sabertooth. When she awoke, she was a dino, the first one she had ever hunted. As a familiar white-haired neanderthal pulled up though, it was clear things weren't as simple as she had originally thought.

*Detailed explanation of anomalous situation ahead*

Basically, Troodon had died during the lightning strike while fighting the sabertooth. For convenience's sake, ill call this "instance 1," or "1."  Now she was in a parallel world with instance 2 and 3 (to be explained), living and dying through every exact dino she killed. Her current perspective is instance 2, and the version hunting her is instance 3.  

Continuing on, from her perspective, instance 1 does not exist, and her entire life has been spent in the 2 and 3 purgatory, in the sense that she's ALWAYS been hunting herself. Ever since she taken over and started her conquest against dino kind, the ones shes managed to kill were always instance 2, freshly converted after their own experience as instance 3. Thus the former instance 3 has memories of what she did to instance 2, and is actively trying to avoid dying in the same fashion. Unfortunately for her, instance 2 and instance 3 are occurring at the same time, even if it feels like instance 3 is the past and that instance 2 is the present. Thus, what instance 3 is experiencing, watching an oddly spooked and sentient dino escaping/ sparing her over and over again is instance 2 actively trying to avoid her death, but getting killed anyways since her fate as instance 2 was already spelled out from what she did as instance 3. With her knowledge though,  instance 2 does know that she was reverse this by getting herself and 3 struck by lightning-like she had days ago when she was still instance 3.

Over the course of the plot, Troodon realizes how much of a douche she was in overhunting the local life, and thus once she is free and has the chance to confront her mistakes with that first dino she kills, it goes differently. 

Personality: Troodon is pretty intelligent and ruthless at the same time. While her cruelty isn't hysterically loathsome,  she has no pity for dinos and kills them for whatever reason she can snatch. She isn't ruthless as a leader however and tries whatever she can to guide her tribe towards prosperity, for better or worse. She makes sure everyone is engaged and will exile slackers as she pleases. Almost naturally adept with weapon usage and traps, but may cut corners when it comes to planning and tribal architecture. 

Drawing/ gift art notes: 

I prefer if the little slashes in her hair stayed, idk why I just like them

Her eyes can be drawn normally or like little beads like Bamboli's art of her, your choice

You can draw her with her spear and design it however you want. Keep in mind that at least the tip must be metal

If you draw her directly fighting a dinosaur, be aware that said dino is herself, given the explanation above. Thus, try to make it look like her in some way (with a yellow mane, or unibrow or something)

Speaking of which pls give her a unibrow