


2 years, 7 months ago


A sort of goddess and/or protector of nature. She’s made mistakes in the past from her short temper, having attacked people who worshipped her. They went against nature, harming their environment or the creatures living within, so in her anger, she used violence against them in an attempt to fix the problems they had caused and hopefully prevent more in the future. However, this resulted in them turning against her. 

Wishing to forget or have time forget her, she changed her original appearance to one that matches a queen or deity of only bees. Now viewing herself as a villain despite the good intentions behind her actions, she returned to one of her sites of rage to give herself a woodland home in the middle of nowhere to hide away, somewhere it would be tough for anyone to discover her.

Her bees still spread to areas that are significant to her for one reason or another to keep an eye out for her in case anything happens, which results in a small hidden bee hive in odd places they normally wouldn’t be.

Would you believe this character started from a Minecraft thing? :)