Nahla Lynn



6 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info






Masterlist Number: 

230 years, estimated.

-Building sand castles, leaving trails of jewels and shiny objects to her pond, weaving hammocks and swings from vines around her pond, sun bathing, swimming, star gazing.

-Sandstorms, cloudy nights, thieves, scorpions, spiders.

Nahla is a calm, quiet pony. She is very curious about the world outside her oasis and the desert it's located in. Being very isolated in the hot desert has left her lonely and longing for anypony to talk to. She would, for a time in her life, come across the remains of a poor soul who perished in the unforgiving heat of her desert and sit with them for days or weeks. She'd have conversations with them, imagining what the pony's life was like.

She stopped doing that about 100 years ago, when she realized it was making her mentally unstable.

Instead, she now leaves long trails of objects she has found, adding in rare gems and precious metals to further lure ponies to her home. Being curious but fearful of the world around her, this was the only way for her to meet new ponies and other creatures for many, many years. She has to create these trails often as the winds constantly cover up her paths. Once recreated, the paths are never placed exactly where they once were, making it extremely difficult for her few friends to find their way back to her pond. One day she'll attempt to make a map, but with the winds always changing the landscape, its rather hard.

-She does not appreciate ponies who try to take anything from her oasis. If she happens upon a traveler who does not need her water and only wants her treasures, that pony better pray to the princesses that they can outrun her. Those who can't are never seen again.

-At night when the temperature drops dramatically, Nahla likes to wrap herself in long, navy pieces of heavy cloth. Occasionally she'll wander the desert like this in the daytime, pretending to be a rock for ponies to rest on. She then jumps up and frightens them. Despite the fact the pony may think she is a hallucination, she finds this hilarious. Her friends say its mean, but she has so little to do...


  • Tier: 6
    • Proof of ownership:
  • Common
    • Closed eyes
    • Earth pony
    • Blue water
  • Uncommon
    • Semi-precious stones around neck (red ruby and amethyst)
    • Sparkling water
  • Rare
    • Semi-precious stones around pond (red ruby and amethyst)
    • Oasis type
    • Ceramic hooves
  • Extra/Unknown:
    • Double tail (I'm not sure what rarity this is)
    • Precious stone and metal accessories 
    • Flower in pond