Dimitri Willow



2 years, 8 months ago


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Have you seen vice-leader Lilia?
I've been looking for him all day...

Dimitri Willow


VO: Junichi Suwabe


Dimitri Willow, the son of a powerful Fae witch and an unknown man of unknown magical power. He’s an ominous looming presence, but he’s just as kind as any regular person. He may be blunt and may stare at you like he knows what you’re thinking, but he’s just as normal as the rest of us! Totally!

Name Dimitri Willow
Nickname Hammerhead
Gender Male (he/him)
Age 18
Height 5’10
Year 3rd
Class 3-E
Dorm Diasomnia
Club Science Club
Birthday Nov. 20
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Species Half Fae
Handedness Ambidextrous
Homeland Land of Pyroxene


Dimitri’s considered to be a very quiet and reserved person, to those who don't know him that is. All who know Dimi know that he’s kind of a smug prick sometimes. He’s mostly nice to those he hangs out with, usually adding a bit of sass to his comments, when appropriate.

He tends to get absolutely disastrous around his vice dorm leader though. It’s always weird to see the usually quite composed man get all fidgety and nervous around a boy half his height. He can keep it together for the most part, but the second he can tell Lilia’s not looking at him, he almost immediately starts breaking into a nervous sweat.

Unique Magic

Dimitri’s Unique Magic is known as “I Hope You’re Satisfied.” It takes a small amount of blood from the target which gets stored in one of Dimitri’s many diamond rings, turning them a deep red. It allows Dimitri to change the target's physical appearance however he wants. The more blood given, the longer the transformation can last. Whenever the blood is all used up (or the ring gets destroyed) the person will return to their previous state.

  • Studying/practicing his magic
  • Stargazing
  • Woodcarving
  • People watching
  • Reading random wikipedia articles
  • Lilia (lol)
  • His Mom <3
  • Gumbo
  • Working in Sam’s Shop

  • Greed
  • Liars
  • People who dont keep promises
  • Creeps
  • Not knowing his biological father
  • Having long hair
  • Being kept up by the whispers of the shadows in the dead of night
  • Preston
Design Notes
  • Design twisted from:

    Tiki Masks - The Princess and the Frog

  • His horns are made of something similar in density and build to human bones, but they sport a wooden texture and a purple color (if you asked him, he would probably just tell you they’re made of wood)
  • His smile is slightly similar to Jades, as it gives off a slightly creepy air but in Dimi’s case, it’s his genuine regular smile.
  • His RSA uniform is based off of Falicier’s outfit
  • Previously had long hair

  • He was originally enrolled at RSA but they realized he was a little more “evil” than they originally saw, so he got transferred to NRC. This was only after telling multiple RSA students hyper detailed explanations of how they would die without being prompted.
  • Works part-time at Sam’s shop.
  • Students have witnessed him talking to shadows occasionally.
  • Can accurately figure out someones past, present, and future (does not work on everyone, why this is, dimitri does not know)
  • Can do a small amount of voodoo magic, not too much, but enough to make someone uncomfortable in their own skin.
  • his mother, usually just referred to as Ms. Willow, is a substitute teacher and an extremely powerful fae witch.
  • His father on the other had, he has never met, nor does he know his name. At least his real father, blood related. the man who raised him along with his mother was a kind man, but you could pretty easily tell he wasn't dimitri’s real father
  • Students often approach him to try and make deals with him in exchange for him using his unique magic on them (and depending on how good the deal is, he may just accept)
  • If students who make a deal with him don't hold up their end, they may just experience the saying we know as “an eye for an eye”


Make U Mine|Blood Orchid

The Lifespan of a Rivalry|Shalfi

Кайен|Valentin Strykalo

The Pretender|Foo Fighters

Supermassive Black Hole|Muse

Maneater|Nelly Furtado

lover boy|Tabby


Dimitri grew up constantly being fawned over and pampered, being given almost anything he asked for. Though he really never cared for that life, wanting to be independent and do things his own way. He never thought he was fit to sit in the lap of luxury, though his friend absolutely loved the treatment. Dimitri and Vil Schoenheit have known eachother since childhood, Vil often hanging out at Dimis place to take advantage of the many luxuries Dimitri refused to use. Dimitris family was quite wealthy and had a large home with a few servants. Dimitri found the whole situation a little cringeworthy, knowing that the servants were being underpaid and that his parents could have totally been paying them more. Dimitri didn't really care though, they’re the ones who decided to work for his parents after all. He was also homeschooled which left him isolated from kids his age, except for his neighbor, Vil. Vil and Dimitri would spend hours hanging out in Dimi’s room. Vil would spend a long time brushing and styling Dimis hair, thinking it was the prettiest hair he had ever seen. Dimitris hair had always been long when he was a kid, all the way up until he cut it after getting to NRC. Vil was fascinated with how Dimitris hair seemed to glow where it was green and how it all stayed so smooth and silky. Dimi obviously had no clue and just told Vil that he just washes his hair like everyone else does. Vil didn’t believe him, always thinking he used some sort of magic. While Vil brushed Dimis hair, Dimitri would go on long rants about various things that he had either heard about or was taught about. By the time Vil and Dimi were in their teens, Vil seemed to develop some feelings for Dimitri. Unfortunately for both of them, Vil knew his feelings were not romantic. Vil kept those feelings to himself though, not wanting to spoil the friendship he had with Dimitri. They parted ways eventually when they both had to go to their respective schools, promising to keep in touch. Dimitri would try and text Vil occasionally but he would usually be left on unopened. Dimitri, now having lost contact with really his only friend, continued life as he normally did. Though, social interactions were slightly difficult for Dimi, considering he really never talked to kids his age outside of Vil. After the few ‘incidents’ that occured, Dimitri was transferred to NRC. It was finally there where he was reunited with Vil. While he was being shown around the campus by Lilia, who had taken it upon himself to show Dimitri around (Though Dimi was quite confused as to how Lilia knew so much considering they were in the same class, having entered the school the same year, but he ignored it then.) They were standing in the Hall of mirrors when Vil was heading to one of his classes. Lilia had pointed him out to Dimitri, considering Vil was of such a high status. Vil was unaware of the two, completely ignoring them as he continued to his class. Dimitri chuckled to himself as he knew that Vil would eventually talk to him, he must’ve just not recognized him or was too upset about Dimi cutting his hair to talk to him. Eventually once Vil finally got over whatever was keeping him from talking to Dimi again, they met up in the Pomefiore gardens for tea, talking about Dimis short enrollment at RSA and how it sucked. Vil let Dimitri go off on a tangent, just enjoying seeing the old Dimi once again.


Dimitri was a rich homeschooled kid who was friends with his neighbor, Vil. They were childhood besties. Vil had feelings, ignored them and pushed them aside to uphold the friendship. Once they went off to their schools, they drifted, but slowly reconnected once Dimitri transferred.

The relationship between Lilia and Dimitri has always been good. If you asked Lilia about their relationship, he would probably say something along the lines of “Oh, young sapling? Fufufu, he’s a wonderful close friend of mine~” Or something like that. Although originally Dimitri wasn't intending on spending a large amount of his time with Lilia, he thought he would spend most of his time either at sam's shop working or doing his homework, but he found himself around the boy more and more. If you asked him straight to his face, Dimitri would deny any sort of feelings for Lilia, stating simply that he “has too much on his plate” and doesn't have time to be messing around with romantic relationships. These are both lies. Dimitri will also occasionally refer to Lilia as ‘little bat’ to poke fun at Lilia’s height, which is a nickname Lilia seems to have grown fond of. Lilia, having been around for so long, is very aware of Dimitri’s crush on him and finds it absolutely adorable. He always makes sure to tease Dimitri relentlessly, usually getting either a smug remark or a faint blush as a response.

Though to most, Vil seems like someone who’s hard to befriend, Vil and Dimitri have been friends for quite a long time. Vil and Dimi are actually childhood friends, having grown up nearby each other. When they were younger, Vil used to be obsessed with Dimitri’s hair, as it used to be much longer. Vil would spend a lot of time braiding it and telling Dimi to never cut it because then Vil would be sad. When Dimitri eventually cut it, Vil was very upset with him, but Dimi just shrugged it off and teased Vil about him caring so much. Nowadays, they don't spend a huge amount of time together anymore, but they do still try and make time for each other.

After learning from Nathan that Preston was the one to bring him to his untimely doom, Dimitris' opinion on Preston changed quickly. Originally, Dimi really didn't mind Preston. They rarely ever interacted but when they did, Preston was quite polite and never seemed like the kind of person who could do what he really did. Dimitri absolutely refuses to speak to Preston now, actively going out of his way to trip him in the halls when they pass each other.

The rest of their relationship infos can be found here, as well as a link to the other charas thoughts on Dimitri.