Pandemonia's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use


design tos. even if i type a lot, my rules are simple. please god fucking follow them

-absolutely under no circumstances are you ever allowed to use my designs for hateful, disgusting or otherwise vile artwork. pedophilic, zoophilic, necrophilic, homophobic, racist, sexist, etc art of any of my designs will immediately get you permanently blacklisted.

-dont resell/retrade/gift/etc any of my designs to those on my blacklist 

-if you want to sell/trade a design i made, feel free to let me know ! theres a decent chance ill be interested in buying/trading/etc for em back, especially if they were an adopt i was tent with before i sold them :'D this is not at all mandatory, though !!

-if a design i make is intended to be a person of color then dont change that. please (frequent example being i make a design with locs. you buy them. dont take away their locs. i make a design with an afro. dont take away their afro. etc).

-not mandatory, but honestly, if youre going to try to obtain a design of mine from me via adopt etc please make sure youll actually use them before reselling them, retrading them etc. i feel petty for adding this but it is extremely disheartening to see over and over that my designs are just used as trade fodder and then end up unused and/or unwanted just.. god please buy (or otherwise obtain them) with the intent of using them, please (and i dont just mean in art, in writing, concepts, literally anything, i do not care in the slightest bit what form it takes. im just tired of seeing the shit i make be unused and then thrown away.)

-dont buy them just to scalp them (buying just to resell them for a higher price)

-dont sell freebies (unless they have extra art/other media !!)

-dont steal them/claim them as your own design

-you can use my designs commercially (example: my design is your mainsona/mascot and you want to make your own merch of them) ! id appreciate if youd let me know first though <3 you dont have ask explicit permission or discuss it with me first though SO LONG AS its not my art youre trying to use commercially ! 

-my designs absolutely can be used for things like fursuits and id be ECSTATIC if i found out you were planning on doing that !! i would absolutely LOOOVE to see pictures of them !! <333