
2 years, 8 months ago


Age Adult
Gender Transgender Male
Pronouns He / Him
Orientation Homosexual
Race Express Owl
Height 4'03" | 130 cm
˗ˏˋ Doc ˊˎ˗

Summary !!

Doc is Conductor's lead scientist in the Dead Bird studio. He is in charge of creating props and other creations with questionable features. Unlike most Express Owls, who are timid and quiet, Doc is eccentric. He's a short-tempered, impatient, and arrogant Science Owl who's more prone to snap and become obsessive when he doesn't get his way. He has a tendency to be passive-aggressive when confronted with problems, using his inventions to solve them only for them to go haywire at the end. Like many scientists depicted in children's cartoons, Doc harbors an internal desire to rule and conquer the world with an army of his creations and/or clones. He typically "invites" (read: "forces") a few owls into his lab to test out his inventions. Most of them come out of the experiments unharmed.

Doc was honestly never the one to dwell on his past with other people. If you ask an Express Owl about him, they'll claim he just showed up one day for an interview and immediately landed his job as a lead scientist-slash-inventor-slash-prop designer. Occasionally, he does slip up a few mentions of things he has done in the past that consist of shady activities, though he has since lived down his dubious lifestyle in pursuit of work.

intelligent . morally enigmatic . sassy

Trivia !!

  • Being a genius, Doc invents various gadgets for a movie or other reasons with functional purposes. He can use scraps lying around to make a nearly perfect device with a movie script in his hand and present it to his director. However, there's a 50/50 chance for his designs to malfunction and cause more harm than good. Either because some idiot accidentally spilled his coffee onto the device or because Doc was too proud of showing off his babies.
  • While Doc is Conductor's lead worker, he doesn't partake in his and DJ Grooves' rivalry. He even creates gadgets for Moon Penguins, who have commissioned him without Conductor's notice. As long as he gets paid and credited, Doc remains in a morally gray area.
  • Doc's voice claim would be Jim Rash as Gyro Gearloose in the Ducktales 2017 reboot. I don't think I need to elaborate on the fact that the guy is literally Gyro but an owl.
  • Doc is heavily based on the unused Science Owls from the game's initial release. I thought it'd be interesting to recycle the concept.