Pepper Pilin



2 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info




Null. No external genitalia.


Unknown creature; a bipedal humanoid somewhat like a goat or rabbit.


5'3" | 110 lb




Conjuration Teacher's Aide, Hypnotist, Wizard

Main Goal

Git gud at transmutation, restore original form, redeem itself for mistakes against others


+Cheerful | +Supportive | +Dedicated | +Thorough | -Cowardly | -Secretive | -Picky | -Guilt-ridden


Pepper works as a TA at Wizard Tower's college sector. It's paid in credit or "experience", and does not receive an actual paycheck beyond a limited weekly stipend. Wizard's Tower is like a huge cloistered city of arcane casters housed in a sprawling castle. They have everything a regular castle city would have, and exist in a somewhat tenuous political position given the superstitious feelings of non-magic users. The entity supports Prof. Gethen Hunter, the head of Conjuration at the academy, and its accomplishments as a grad student have left it responsible for teaching many low-level courses to support him. It has a charming and difficult-to-ignore presence in the lecture hall, and tends to produce good results in the adults it educates.

A gentle demeanour and soft voice compliment Pepper's docile appearance well. It's diplomatic and a bit fearful of real conflict, gravitating to mollifying gestures and charming behaviour to avoid confrontation when possible. It prefers to dress in scant and girlish clothing, further adding to its nonthreatening presence.

The entity is not an identifiable creature, and this captures it no small amount of curiosity from others. A previous colleague had
machinated to vivisect Pepper but was foiled, and the experience has left the creature more paranoid than before. Due to this and its experiences with [spoilered text below], it has a heavy paranoia that it works to keep in check.

Pepper believes to its very core that it was once a "regular" sort of humanoid; an elf or human, or similar. It has foggy memories of the time prior to being the creature that it is now and sorely wishes to undo the curse put upon it. As Pepper keeps this condition a close secret, resolving it requires an advanced ability with transmutation magic. It has very little.

It does research in its spare time in an attempt to fix its condition. This often produces little development. It has taken to putting select individuals (willing or not) under deep hypnosis and using magic to read their minds thoroughly. This has produced mixed results, and would certainly compromise its position of trust if discovered.

Some of the individuals hypnotised and read by Pepper are its students. The entity routinely performs private tutoring for lower level mages. Though these sessions are frequently innocuous and sincere, it has abused this position to psychically invade the privacy of a select few.

[Story twist under the spoiler]

The truth of the matter is that Pepper was never a different type of creature. Several years ago, the entity became the bearer of a highly cursed item. It grappled with the effects for some time but eventually cracked and intentionally threw a close loved one under the bus in order to escape its agonising fate. The loved one was a powerful hypnotist as well (one with whom Pepper initially studied and developed its skills) and, upon discovering the nature of the situation, used their abilities to alter Pepper's mind deeply.

Resulting from this situation is Pepper's muddled memories, its belief that it used to be something else, and its total mental block against interacting with transmutive magic. The intention of this mental editing was to curb Pepper's hubris and to instill humility (as well as to resolve their spite over the betrayal), but the creature has, to this day, refused to reveal its condition to others nor request help. It refuses to sacrifice its pride, instead attempting to overpower the issue it perceives.

1 Fear:
Being controlled. Specifically mentally, but does NOT want to be controlled by other wills in other ways either.

3 Anxieties:
Does not know what it is. Hates feeling like a point of curiosity.
Inability to access any transmutation magic, period. Very frustrating, given its curse.
Does not know who the person was who cursed it. Could be anyone.

2 Physical anxieties:
Becoming physically sick.

Reaction to fears:
Professional approach. Intellectualises situations and tries to be less emotional. Succeeds to a point, then panics & runs.