
2 years, 8 months ago


☆ Biological Details
BirthdayOctober 1st
Age20 (Pre-Timeskip), 22 (Post-Timeskip)
Height5'7 (Pre-Timeskip), 6'1 (Post-Timeskip)
SpeciesKodiak/Frog hybrid
Home GalaxyArchipelago Galaxy Arubi
OccupationWave Sage 
Soul AwakeningBloodbath; Superpower-class
☆ General Appearance
Hair StyleLong straight thigh-length hair
Hair Color
Dark green
Eye ColorHazel
Clothing StyleYellow raincoat with purple wrists and pockets, black shorts with white stripes to the sides
OtherFrog appendages in her arms and legs, white loop earrings, blue cheeks, frog hat

Emblem is a frog hand
☆ Early Biography

Born within a obscure, unnamed clan within Archipelago Galaxy Arubi, Kera had parents originally from Central Galaxy Neburia's Kodiak clan. However, they departed their home planet to explore other galaxies, ending up within the aforementioined Arubi Galaxy. Sometime after, her parents had Creatura-class Soul Awakenings, which gave me them the physiology of a frog - supposedly a mix of various species. Making them Kodiak/Frog hybrids, this carried over to their offspring, Kera, being born already with said physiology. 

Kera had a normal, happy childhood for the most part. Other clan members were accepting of her, due to its members being composed of mostly hybrid species and outcasts, and most of them already possessing birth powers or Soul Awakenings with them. In Kera's case, she was born with the frog physiology and hidrokinesis, being a expert with it despite no formal training. Kera would also hop to other nearby planets and clans simply to explore, giving her jumping ability that she also inherited. Slowly as she lived her life, Kera would discover more and more about her body, like how she can secrete a paralyzing mucus, her enhanced jumping, swimming, and crawling abilities, and... creating claws by breaking the bones at her fingertips?!

With all of this in mind, and her expertise in it as she grew, Kera would become a candidate to become Arubi Galaxy's protector; its Wave Sage. Shortly after, she would recieve the title and become well-known at the young age of 18!

2 years later, she would be directly involved in a incident involving a criminal organization known as Black Comet, and a Neburian called Marilyn Kinshoku. Turns out they had been plotting a plan to steal Arubi Galaxy's own Elemental Essence - its Wave Essence, a noncorporeal energy source located somewhere within said galaxy. Kera would then confront the lone Neburian by herself, only to find out it was all a misunderstanding and she was only trying to help. Working together they would manage to defeat the Black Comet member, but not before the Wave Essence had already been taken and sent to their HQ.

Determined to take her galaxy's Elemental Essence back, Kera would then accompany Mari on her own journey to explore the universe and stop Black Comet on their tracks. What she didn't know at the time was the kind of road she was gonna end up traveling, and her new best friend, and group of friends she would meet down the line.

☆ Overall Abilities
Kera was born with the ability to freely manipulate the water element. She has been using it since a young age, and she's a expert at it, so much so that she ended up becoming Arubi Galaxy's own guardian, its Wave Sage. She uses it on conjunction with her Soul Awakening and her personal, unique fighting style.
 Immense Physique
Kera has a highly resilient body. She can take tremendous amounts of pain and damage and keep fighting. Likewise, she also has impressive strength and speed, enough to keep up with the stronger characters found in the universe.
 Froggo Karate
A martial art created by Kera. It consists of the mastery of water around the user's vicinity, using it to send powerful waves directly to the water present in a person's body. Since most living creatures have a high percentage of water in their body, not only is this viable, but it also bypasses any natural defenses the person might have, like highly resistant bodies, or just bodies that are inmune to blunt force. The way this works on land is the usage of water present on the atmosphere itself, but of course its full power is present on a underwater environment.
 Frog physiology
Due to having parents with Creatura-class Soul Awakenings, which made them Kodiak/Frog hybrids, Kera was born with the same frog characteristics, such as their appendages, their long tongues, skin color, jumping ability, swimming ability, and a few other miscellanous traits. In particular, Kera is able to secrete a mucus that can induce paralysis in the right doses. It even can mask her scent and presence. She can also camouflage herself, crawl on solid surfaces, and finally, she can break her own bones at the tip of her hands and toes, creating sharp claws that puncture right from their underside. They heal quite fast, so its not something worth worrying about to her.
 SOUL ESSENCE (Post-Timeskip)
Like all living beings, Kera can use her SOUL ESSENCE, or essence of the soul. She has a few basic and advanced uses for it, like projectiles for long range, using it as "invisible armor" for offense and defense, and sensing the souls of others. Her most notable usage is her Soul Awakening, Bloodbath.
 Bloodfrog (Post-Timeskip)
A ability she developed during the timeskip. Kera uses her Soul Awakening on herself, increasing her blood flow in order to give more oxygen and nutrients to her body, enhancing her physiology overall. This causes her skin to turn red and her sweat to evaporate, giving the impression that she's emitting steam from her body. This has a extreme fatal drawback, however. Kera is lucky to have a very durable body, because with the unnatural increased bloodflow, her organs continually expand and contract at dangerous levels, which in a normal person's body, would tear apart on the spot. It also speeds up her metabolism considerably, which often leaves her hungry after its usage. 

☆ Soul Awakening: Bloodbath

Kera's Soul Awakening is the Superpower-class Bloodbath. This allows her to freely manipulate the blood present within herself and other living organisms, although the extent of this is to simply manipulate another organism's muscles to her will. She rarely uses this as she has unstable control over others, and at most she will only stop others with it, or force some distance between her and them. This Soul Awakening's true strength lies in Kera's ultimate technique, Bloodfrog, which as aforementioned allows her to speed up her blood flow in order to give more oxygen and nutrients to her body, rapidly increasing her physical performance overall. Of course, with her organs rapidly expanding and contracting, this can be fatal in the long run, but with a tough enough body Kera has been able to make proper usage of this technique.

☆ Trivia
● Kera was originally far more humanoid. Her only "frog" characteristic would be the hat which wasn't scrapped.
● Kera's name comes from "Kero" - which is the onomatopoeia for "ribbit" in japanese.
● Originally a antagonist due to the nature of her Soul Awakening.
● Kera's claw technique is based on a real life frog with many names, with my favorite one being "Wolverine frog".
● Being frog-like, cold temperatures might end up forcing her into hibernation. She can use Bloodfrog as a temporal solution.
☆ Notable Techniques
● Froggo ComboA simple physical assault using Froggo Karate.
● Rogue DrillKera creates a drill out of water and attacks the foe with it.
● ParalysisKera uses her mucus to paralyze the opponent.
● Dynamic TsunamiKera uses her legs to kick a barrage of powerful waves towards the opponent.
● Salamander ImpactA powerful smite via the palm of her hand. 
● BloodfrogUltimate technique. Explained above.
☆ Notable Relationships
Marilyn Kinshoku
Enemies at first due to a misunderstanding, Kera and Mari quickly end up becoming the bestest of friends as their respective journeys continue across the story. They compliment each other well with their cheery personalities, and are often seen hanging out together. 
Vieroll KinshokuKera treats Vi in a almost sisterly way, caring for her and being patient with her rude demeanour throughout the first half of the story. They seem to grow close during the timeskip, as they spent time together training for the second half.
Sayoko Norizomi
She gets along with Sayoko. They are often seen talking about their group of friends, commenting how exhausting it can be to look over them.
SuleilaOne of her best friends! Suleila and Kera respect each other mutually as fellow Elemental Sages, with this being strengthened further via the fact that both had similar early lives and have a detrimental ultimate technique in their arsenal. They are often seen messing around with the effects their respective elements can produce.
ZolomonThe Thunder Sage himself, Zolomon and Kera mutually respect each other as expected. Kera often visits Zolomon at his workshop to check up on him and his latest works. She seems to admire him to some extent, and even trained under his wing for a period of time in under to increase her durability and odds of winning against electric-based foes.
Izabelle ScalesA Phantom Renmants member that Kera absolutely loathes. Aside from the fact that she's a criminal, Izabelle manages to get under Kera's skin by pointing out how little control she has over her Soul Awakening, and how it just makes her a threat to everyone else, exploiting her insecurities on the matter in order to win the fight against her. This leads to her goal of improving her control during the timeskip though, being prepared enough with Bloodfrog for when their rematch happens.
Hollow ValentineKera admires Hollow and is grateful that she took care of Marilyn during the timeskip. They don't seem to interact much, but Kera eventually ends up assimilating some of her fighting style into her own techniques post-timeskip. 
Scarlet ValentineKera is constantly worried about Scarlet just going absolutely wild whenever she's around. She is always ready to battle her alongside other people should that happen. Otherwise though, they seem to mutually be neutral to each other.

profile html by Hukiolukio

miscellaneous edits by me