


2 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info








Butterfly-Orchid Mantis hybrid




Penelope is a butterfly-orchid mantis hybrid. She has wings, but she normally doesn't fly because they're pretty small, since this would probably mean they're not as strong. Due to her having hands rather than claws like mantises, she likes to make weapons that resemble mantis claws. If she has the materials, she'll make them, since she likes making claws with new patterns and designs. The one thing she likes to make sure of with these claws is that she is able to hold them properly with grips that are on the inside and that they're lightweight so that she can move them around quickly.

She broke one of her antennae during a fight in the coliseum. For a while after, she had difficulties with balancing and some of her senses, but her senses don't bother her as much anymore and she's become accustomed to her balance issues, so she's able to deal with them pretty well. Nobody can really tell she's had balance issues in the past now.

She has a pretty good relationship with her parents, though she doesn't talk to them much. She had lost her dad when she was a bit younger, which was tough for her and her mom to get through, but after a while, her mom was able to find a partner that helped her feel the same way as her previous one. It took a while for Penelope to accept him, but it eventually happened, so they're on good terms. 

She is a fighter in the coliseum. Like several of the fighters there, she lives in the coliseum, since they provide food and shelter. She is one of the most powerful fighters in the coliseum, now sharing the title with Orchid. She is able to fight pretty well due to her ability to dodge really well. She uses her agility to her advantage whenever she can, which works for her in most situations. There are exceptions, of course, but agility is what she mainly goes with, because she's not sure how to do much else. She's been meaning to work on something else, but she's not sure what to try yet. 

She was one of the lucky ones to be born with magic. Her family tree has a history of knowing magic, so it wasn't a mutation or anything. She was born with air magic in particular. She likes that she has this, since she can play around with it while she's training, but she can't use it in the coliseum, since it is prohibited during fights. That's just something she has to keep in mind, though.

She's fairly friendly, but she likes messing with people, especially if she sees them as a friend. This can be seen in her interactions with Orchid. She likes to get on Orchid's nerves, since it doesn't take too much for her to get annoyed. She can be a bit hard on herself when she loses a fight because of how many years she has practiced her fighting style. She isn't really too aggressive outside of the arena, but she can and will be if she's provoked. Otherwise, she can be pretty laid back. In the coliseum, she likes to show off and be as flashy as she can with what she can do. She still tries to ensure that she can win the fight, despite this, though.