Venus Violetmist



2 years, 7 months ago




Female • Shadar Kai (Elf) • C.O.W. Bard/Hexblade Warlock

Born to two Shadar-Kai parents (father- Verich, mother- Lavlenthi), Venus has lived a rough life. Her parents have taken little interest in her since her conception. She quickly learned to be care for no one and depend on no one but herself. With no guidance or mentor, she grew up naive and terribly stubborn. Among her fellow Shadar-Kai, she was seen as weak and foolish. They took advantage of her endlessly. The only times anyone desired her presence was to treat her as entertainment or the help. Unable to fight back, Venus fled in her teenage years (age 15). She had nothing to her name but an armed cloak given to her to aid in her chores (later named Deimos). Upon reaching a distant town, Venus began a transformation. This was the true birth of Venus Violetmist. Her birth name was Biir. This was the name given to her by her birth parents. The name "Venus" came from a human that changed her life.

One night, as she settled down after a day of begging and scrounging for food, a man discovered her pitiful body resting behind his tavern. "What is a young elf like you doing back here? A young lady with beauty not unlike Venus herself needs somewhere safe to rest her eyes at night," he knelt slowed next to her as she looked on to him with great fear in her eyes. Desperate for food and kindness, she took little coaxing before taking his hand and following him into the building. This man, Apollo, became the first and only person Venus had ever trusted. He had nothing but immense patience, care, and admiration for her. After many months, the two knew had shared every detail of their lives. Venus had learned about Apollo's religious upbringing, musical ability, and struggle with personal identity. He was showered in stories of her neglect, sexual abuse, degradation, and years of relentless struggle.

Over the four years that followed, Apollo continued to encourage Venus to bloom and become the fierce woman she is today. She worked as a barmaid in his tavern for over a year and a half until she had worked up the courage to ask Apollo for a promotion. Venus approached him one night and pleaded, begging him to let her try her hand at a shift in the basement of the tavern. He reluctantly gave in, hesitant to put her into the nasty environment of his below ground business but still willing to try anything she wished to improve her confidence. To his surprise, Venus was a natural. She quickly became a crowd favorite.