Mikey Daniels



6 years, 9 months ago



"I’m pretty sure you’ll kill yourself if you jump that high!"giphy.gif

Name: Mikey Daniels | Gender: Male | Age: 13   | Species: Labrador | Sexuality: Unknown   | Status: Single

4775354_3JnrISDz3UJqkG1.pngPersonality: Pretty much the nervous little brother of the group. He’s always shaky and unsure of his decisions. He has a hard time trusting people, due to his many phobias and fears, he’s afraid of his own shadow. He hates jumpscares and sudden things, as he gets easily startled. When in his friend’s company, however, Mikey is pretty outgoing and won’t mind getting in trouble once or twice- as long as his mom doesn’t find out. Whenever he’s freaking out or panicking, he starts breathing in and out slowly, something that usually calms him down, and something that Germ taught him. Most of the time, Mikey is always cautious over his actions and makes the most conscience of what he does. Guilt hits him like a train and can last up to weeks “grounding himself”. Basically, Mikey is nervous and shaky, unless he’s in trustful company.

Personal Info: His dad died of an unknown illness before Mikey was born. His mom, left a widow and saddened, became an over-protective mother, restraining her son and limiting him with fear. Never letting him wonder on his own, or discover the world by his step. She would tell him of how cruel and dark the world was, and about illnesses and how a man could die of a simple cold. Mikey began to generate a lot of phobias since then, he became paranoid and nervous. He plays the piano very well, and loves to hear classical music. He doesn’t really like what normal people his age listen to, such as alternative rock or pop. The only time he feels at peace and safe is when he’s alone, playing his piano in a dark room. He says that the noise of silence brings him joy.