Generic Profile Template



2 years, 8 months ago


This is not a regular character, rather it is the basic template I use for my character profiles.

Basic Information


Character's full name, with any common nicknames in quotations. Universal.


The domain of a personification is what they personify. Domain is never listed as such but rather is replaced with a more specific type of object or concept depending on the work (element, compound, celestial body, etc.). For the LOEL Members and other characters who are not inherent personifications, "Represented" is attached to the domain field.


Both gender identity and gender modality (how gender relates to assigned sex) go here.


Replaces gender in some non-sapient characters (e.g. non-human animals in the F-Universe).


Pretty self-explanatory. Pronouns go here.


Romantic and sexual orientation. Romantic orientation is usually only listed separately if the character is asexual or cross-oriented/varioriented.


What ethnic groups the character belongs to or is coded as. Humanoid characters who are physically indistinguishable from humans only. (Characters with impossible hair and eye colors and skin markings still qualify, as those can be replicated with hair dye, contacts, and tattoos.)

Age [in Year]

Characters who are old enough that a few years doesn't matter (millions or billions of years old) simply have this field labeled "Age". Characters with smaller ages (within a human lifespan or centuries even) have "Age in [Year]" listed instead. Said year will usually be the year the story starts in.


Characters with actual birthdays have their DOB listed, while characters with celebrated birthdays have Birthday listed as "Celebrated on Month Date". Age and Birthday/DOB can be switched.

[Place of Birth]

For personifications who were not born on Earth, or not born in a specific location, or born before modern times. For modern human characters
Hometown roughly replaces this.


For characters with Earth nationalities, such as most ordinary modern human characters. This is distinct from ethnicity.
[Hometown]The city, town, or other settlement where the character spent their childhood. Replaces Place of Birth for many modern human characters.


The character's job. Found on mosts profiles.


Other characters the character considers their family, which includes legal family. Found family might qualify, but usually doesn't unless the character has been disowned/cut ties with their legal family.

Significant Other(s)

Character(s) the character is romantically involved with. Often this field will be filled with "It's complicated", which is my way of saying "They have a crush but no one knows if their crush likes them back" or "they will get together with someone by the end but haven't yet", among other things. 

The remaining fields are only filled for characters who have been tested.


Myers-Briggs Type Indicator


Enneagram Type

Big Five

A short description of how the character scores on the Big Five personality traits. 


DnD Alignment

Personality (not marked as such)


This section goes into detail about the character's personality traits, then their interests and talents, then their primary relationships.

Physical Appearance

A paragraph description of the character's appearance.

Design Notes

For personifications, this section explains the influences behind their design and how it relates to the thing they personify.

-These notes on important details to consider when drawing the character are under the character's Design Notes section if they have one, and Physical Appearance section if they don't.


A brief summary of the character's past. Still a WIP for most characters.

[WIP/Future Sections]
These may appear in the future but I don't have them for any current character.

Likes, Dislikes, Trivia

Primary Relationships

Moodboard/Recommended Listening