
2 years, 6 months ago


Name Pondlily

Former Names Pondkit, Pondpaw

Gender Cis Female (she/her)

Orientation Asexual Biromantic

Apprentices tba

Rank Elder

Residence MossClan

Theme content


A lilac point she-cat with pale white splotches along her sides and her face, and a white chest. Her eyes are kind and a light green. Her fur is still lustrous despite her age, but her face has gone gaunt and her skin saggy from age. She has a few small scars hidden by her fur on her chest and her belly.

Design notes
  • Her ears curve outwards slightly, and are rounded at the tip.
  • Pond's fur is soft and only slightly fluffy around her neck, chest and belly.
  • Her small tail is the fluffiest part of her, and the neatness of her fur makes it appear bushy.
  • The white splotches on her left shoulder vaguelyresemble a water lily.
  • Though mostly round, her joint are knobby looking and her ribs show slightly through her pelt.

Pondlily is a gentle soul at heart and keeps her emotions under wraps most of the time.

Etiquette is a big thing with her, and she WILL correct your manners if within earshot.

She gives freely and often, without expecting anything in return. This has given her as many boons as it has come back to haunt her.

While not rude, she often expects cats to do things she says simply because she says so.

She means well, but will find a way to get out of any hard work that is placed upon her... which can be interesting when she so freely offers her help.

As an ox. It is very rare for her to budge on something once she's decided it's her hill to die on, even if she's wrong.

  • Her family
  • Extra bedding in her nest
  • Being pampered
  • Mice / rats
  • Cats who can't take no for an answer
  • The cold


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

Pondkit was born to a litter of five; her siblings were Lichenkit, Brackenkit, Stumpkit, and Moldkit. She was raised just as much by the perm-queens of the time as she was her own parents due to the larger litter size. While Lichenkit was rambunctious and Bracken was feisty, Pondkit always saw herself as a bit of a 'proper lady,' preferring the company of the older, quieter cats than her own siblings.

Eventually, the time came for Pondkit to become Pondpaw, and was apprenticed to an old hunter named Eagleswoop. He was a patient, wise old tom, and he and Pondpaw got along swimmingly. When her sibling, Stumppaw, died from wounds sustained from a fox, she was saddened, but wasn't sure how to express her grief. It was Eagleswoop who encouraged her to spend some time with her remaining siblings. Through stories of their deceased sibling and through comraderie, Pondpaw became fond of her remaining siblings, even if they were mousebrains sometimes. She especially scolded Brackenpaw frequently for picking fights.

Pondpaw soon became Pondlily, and soon became the talk of MossClan. Several toms found her beauty alluring, and would often dote on her and argue among themselves over who would win her heart. In the beginning, she found this flattering, and even encouraged their behavior. After all, it was all in good fun, wasn't it?

...Until it wasn't. The toms started getting more persistent, more desperate to win her over. Their squabbles turned into full-on fights, and Pondlily didn't know how to stop it. She tried turning down one, Birchtail, who only doubled don and insisted that she couldn't, for how would he live without her, how would he protect her from the other toms? And when she suggested, miserably, that perhaps she could make all of them happy, they only got more agitated, demanding she pick.

And pick she did. She found a mate in a meek, mild-mannered little she-cat and long-time friend by the name of Acornheart. The toms were devastated, some swearing to win her back, some calling her names for leading them on... but she didn't care. She was happy, and Acornheart made for a great partner.

Some moons after all of this, Acornheart had a confession; that she was not a she-cat at heart, but a tom. This did nothing to damper Pondlily's love for him, and in fact made it stronger than ever. Though they couldn't have kits of their own, they watched fervently for any kits that might be rejected, or lost. They ended up adopting a small litter of kits from a young couple who weren't ready to have kits, and raised them as their own, who grew up to be fine warriors: Cloverleaf, Duckfeather, and Mumblesong. She also minded three apprentices during her time as a hunter, and retired to the elder's den at the ripe age of 100 moons.

Now she spends her days watching her children and grandchildren live their lives, and gossiping with Acornheart, Lichencloud, and Brackenthorn.


  • Pond — Named for the spot where her father confessed his love to her mother
  • Lily — For her
  • She is very much an old southern belle kind of lady.
  • 100% into sappy love stories and dramatic romances.


Your character's thoughts of this character. Can be in character or not.

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