♠ Lucius ♠



6 years, 8 months ago







Don't think too much of me. I'm just a passerby.

_cross__by_ebonred-d51youh.gifGiven name: Lucius
Actual name: ???
Gender: Appears to be male
Height: 181cm

                                                                                                                                     LIKES/DISLIKES »

  • ♥ Walking through the city at night
  • ♥ Stargazing

  • ♥ Observing others and their behavior

  • ♥ Lollipops

  • ♥ Fashion

  • ♥ Anything that has to do with crosses (He doesn't really care about the meaning that much, he has a body mark that resembles a cross, and he just likes the overall design)
  • ✖ Using his powers (it drains him a lot)
  • People that try to harm others for their self gain

  • ✖ Being underestimated

  • ✖ Super flashy colors on clothes

  • ✖ Being forced to do things (he's lazy)

  • ✖ Salty foods

͜"̷C̴om͝mi͢t̶t͜ed͘ ̡to le̸a͢r̛ņi̕n̛g,͠ diśc͘ove͏rìn͢g̡,̵ ̨sus̴p̶icìo̕us ́t͏o ͏ga͝i͜n ҉c̨ert̸ain̕t҉y͠, ̴i d͞ro͠wn͡ed҉ in̷ ҉t̷hi̢n̛gs̕,̢ ̨I ͏dơn͘'̷t͞ ̕t͝hi͏n̶k҉ ͜a͘b̧oùt ̷my͘s͜e͝lf,̶ ͜my̢ ̧goal͢s, ̕my ha̛ppine̢ss, m̴y s̛a͏lv̛a͘t̵io̧n.͟ ̶On͠ ̡t͏h͏e ̀ćon̶tr̸a͠ry,̛ ̵fo͜ŕg͘etting͟ ̸my͢se̢ĺf͠, ͏I am̷ ̷s͡át̀i̕sfie҉d wíth ̵t͘he a̵cquis͏i͢t́i̧on̕ o͟f kn͘o͠w̢l͘e̢dg̷e."

A stardust being that was too tired of its homeland and escaped, and eventually arrived to a place called "Earth."

His name, being too strange for a human, is being kept a secret, and so when ever someone would ask what his name is, he'd say that he doesn't have one. (usually when talking to people they give him a genuine sad look, wondering what happened to his "parents" and why he hasn't been given a name.)

Eventually though, he meets a certain girl. The girl, realizing that he doesn't have a name, in the end, decides to give him one. Since then, he went by the name "Lucius." The 2 have been mostly together, exploring, and having a seemingly normal life (If you consider having a friend that's a cosmic being a normal thing, of course.)

Even though they often argue about many things (Usually about fashion, since the girl is a fashionista too), they both seem to have a mutual, tired like expression and aren't bothered by each other's comments at all, making it look like it's just a normal conversation they have every day. As the story goes on, the girl learns more and more about Lucius, and slowly unfolding more secrets as Lucius shows her the "True" world, and that she's actually surrounded by other strange beings (such as ghosts, etc) all the time, without even realizing it. And in return, the girl shows him more about their world, and Lucius slowly learns how different the human's lifestyles are from his, and tries to adapt himself to it more.

                                                                                            POWERS »

Doesn't take too much energy if it's teleportation to areas that are a few meters away, but if it's more than that, it starts to drain his energy and he has to be careful with how he uses his powers (and how much.) 

Reality Manipulation:arrow_down_by_drawn_mario-d9hz6sp.gifAble to awake the worst nightmares in every being. Depending on how much of the power he uses, he can make it last for just a split second, enough to make the target flinch, or for hours without end, making the target pass out from exhaustion, or, at worst, eventually have them lose their sanity.  The power can be quite draining as well, so he makes sure to not go over the line (pls do not try to piss him off if you're in a fight w/ him)

If he uses his powers too much or has to abuse them for whatever reason, he may start coughing up blood and his body may become weaker. Unlike humans, he's able to heal a lot quickly, but the powers can create very deep inner wounds that may be even for Lucius hard to heal from, so he tries to not use them that much. It's also possible for his hands to become even darker, and it can spread throughout his entire body depending on how much the powers are abused, and the darkened parts will start dripping like black liquid, which takes a longer amount of time to fully heal, and his body can be very fragile in that state.
 (though he isn't really seen doing it that much unless he's alone, often times it happens without him realizing it since it's like second nature to him)

1_by_terenceforfears_dbfzu7p_by_wishingb "Disconnection"
Lucius often times has a lot of difficulties understanding the world the humans live in, since it's so much different from his own. You can often see him carrying books with him, which all talk about the different cultures, languages, life styles, even simple stuff like foods, video games, etc (However he has shown a special liking to fashion magazines, and eventually becomes a fashionista that is very much into Goth and Punk Rock-like fashion.) 
His philosopher-like mind is also one of the main reasons why he doesn't fit in with the rest most of the time, as he contains a lot more knowledge about the human soul, their emotions and their mentality, which he is not able to convey in their language, so he sees everyone a lot differently than how the rest of the humanity does.
Luckily though, the girl he met is now there with him to help him understand humans and their life better, which helps him a great lot. (Even though most of their conversations are some sort of arguments.)