


2 years, 6 months ago



     Name/nickname:Kasumi kumo/The headless              spider

    Rei’s twin sister


Kasumi is a very mature,calm and collected individual who isn’t afraid to voice her opinions, she is also very surprisingly, extremely sarcastic and often times comes off as grumpy and tired of peoples sht. Which she is but doesn’t bother to voice it out stating that there’s no point in arguing with dumb people and it’s a waste of her’s and everybody else’s time that should be spent wisely. Kasumi’s close friends know more to her than the headstrong sarcastic business woman that outsiders see and more see her as the still ever so sarcastic yet kind and reliable older sister figure same can go with her actually sister rei who she often has to clean up after stating that she brings the party with her, but besides that she’s expressed great happiness seeing rei with a job she likes even if she has to clean up her messes from time to time.



-multiple eyes

-standard cape

-multiple mouths

-(fyi unlike rei the eyes on her body are markings)


Random fact: Kasumi prefers wine more than other alcoholic beverages much to her sisters disgust