πŸ’ Cherry πŸ’



2 years, 8 months ago


I got into Yin Yang Yo again and I wanted to draw Yin and Yang's mother. My headcanon is that she was just a normal citizen instead of a villain or hero (strong x soft characters are my weakness okay?!).Β 

Anyway, unlike the women in the show who kept rejecting Master Yo, she was the only one who was interested in him. Their relationship slowly develops and they eventually get married. It'll be quite a few years before Cherry gets pregnant (due to their different species I suppose).Β 

After she gives birth to Yin and Yang, she's given a choice to have her memory erased, or she can keep them, but she would have to move far away to not disrupt their Woo Foo training. She chooses to keep them and does end up moving away. Despite being far from her family, she keeps tabs about their heroic wins on the television, newspapers, and radios! It's safe to say that she's happy and relieved her children are saving the world and slowly becoming strong Woo Foo warriors.Β 

Of course, after Master Yo gets his memories back, he quickly sets out to find Cherry, thinking she also had her memories erased.Β